Sony's bringing old school games to the PSN?

Steel X

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Sony is planning to bring some old school gaming to the PSN...such games that were never released on any playstation consoles before such as Sonic and...well yeah you get the idea.

But is that REALLY nesscessary? to my opinon...proably not. Sony has not even released any PSone games this year, and I have heard rumors last year that there may be some PS2 games coming to the PSN and still has not happened at all. :roll:

Sony is very slow at releasing older Playstation games since I hear from someone saying that Sony had to pay the developers for their games to be released on the PSN. -_- Excuse me...but didnt Sony pay them to put it on their playstation consoles A LONG TIME AGO? so why pay for those old games again when they were already on playstation consoles before? This sounds stupid, if you ask me.

Embrassassing as it seems, Xbox live appear to have more xbox orginals and acarde games than the PSN do.

So...Playstation and Playstation 2 do have PLENTY of games to be released via PSN for download so I dont really see the need for other old school gaming from other consoles such as Sega, Neo-Geo, and others to be released on PSN.

Nintendo WILL NOT bring their first party games to PSN, obviously.

Good idea, Sony. but not a very brillant idea. :roll:

Sony Interested in Releasing Older, Non-PlayStation Games on PSN: News from