Sony Overtakes 360 by December 31

100% disagree

ALL PS3 games are made on BD format, also PS3 (60GB) is cheaper than 360 if you compare with all add-on, such as HD-DVD, wireless adapter, VGA cable (If anyone need capture 1080p) and few others. I will REFUSE to use analog for PS3 like component cable or VGA.

Also, you made stupid answer since real 100% doubt about Sony would do it then go little research before jumping on wrong conclusion.
Why do we need 60 GB?
Why do we need 60 GB?

You need find out yourself.

You know about demo, download content, game trailer, save game, aracde game and other feature, also Linux is optional but use less memory and doesn't hogger with hard drive, unlike Windows Vista.

MS made mistake about Xbox 360 that released 20GB (13GB is use after started) and doesn't fit with all games that got download content, demo, save game and aracde game. IPTV will release by end of year and require big hard drive.

If you don't need that then good luck with less GB and would be out of capacity, that force you to delete on demo, game aracde and other game saves.