Something I've drawn


New Member
Apr 4, 2006
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I've never drawn people before (or anything really)... I'm usualy to shaky to draw things well, but for some reason this came out pretty good. What do you think?
You could've fooled me... this does not look like the work of a novice but an intermediate at least.

Why don't you get some drawing books? This could be a natural talent in the making...
Is that a drawing sketch of our very first U.S. President George Washington ? Good job drawing. I am not much of an artist but I do enjoy good artwork.
THAT reflect pond? the one mall in washigton?
This is one man getting very :Oops: embarrassed !!!!!!

Ohhhhh mannnn !!!!!!!!!! I got :Owned: Big Time !!!!!!!! Oh ok alright I see.

That is good. Have fun delevoping your artisitc skills until you become proficient in the art of drawing and sketching. Have Fun !!!!! :cool: :cheers:
Your sketch is so beautiful i feel like you remind of my pencil long time ago. i will try another time i will draw.
You have a lot of potential, keep drawing. You really aged her but I can deffinately tell it's her. Good job!
very nice, I suggest you to do the heavy line in front and light on back to make best visual like 3D feel. you know?