Some Parents say vaccines trigger autism. But, is skipping the shots the answer?

I was discussing this with my mother yesterday. I said that if the vaccines were the cause then autism would have appeared far sooner than now. And I don't give credit to that parents saying that it was misdiagnosed. Please! I'd rather have a healthy child than a child I know I made sick cause I chose not to get vaccinated.
I am surprised this is just being reported now. I thought that was discredited long ago.

I did not see reference in the article, but I believe one of the doctor's desperately wanted an explanation for his own son's autism.
I believe it was discredited before but this is the first accusation of actual fraud.
I believe Andrew Wakefield... but I don't trust FoxNews because the new reporters are paid by drug corporations to say that Andrew is fraud. Oh boy.
I believe Andrew Wakefield... but I don't trust FoxNews because the new reporters are paid by drug corporations to say that Andrew is fraud. Oh boy.
It wasn't just a Fox story. Fox didn't say the study was a fraud; they only reported what others said.

Vaccine Study Not Just Bad Science but Fraud, Says the British Medical Journal - Megan McArdle - Business - The Atlantic

BMJ Editor: MMR-Autism Study Was a Fraud

Journal: Study linking vaccine to autism was fraud - Health AP -

Will autism fraud report be a vaccine booster? - Health - Kids and parenting -
I would like to propose the autism, just like Deafness, is a different way of being. Like Deafness, that should be embraced. Maybe it shouldn't be avoided at all cost, just like Deafness.
I have a different take on this. I grew up next to a woman who had polio as a child. She was one of the last people to contract polio before the vaccine. I knew what the consequences were of getting some of those terrible "childhood" diseases.

I also watched my nephew struggle every time he got a vaccine. He was sick for days afterwards. My sister was still a child when my nephew was born (She was 15) so she never thought of doing anything different than what the doctors told her she needed to. He got all of his shots on schedule and they harassed her because he was in a low weight percentile. (He is almost six feet tall at 15 and is still very skinny.)

I had concerns when my daughter was born. At that time (she is now nine) there was still controversy of the autism "findings" and like most of you, I didn't want to do anything to harm my child. I approached her pediatrician and told her my concerns. She understood and we came to a compromise. We waited until my daughter was a few months old before starting any of her immunizations, as long as I promised not to take her into crowded places. It worked out well. My daughter is one of the healthier children in her class. In fact, it has been two years since we had to go to the doctor for a winter sickness.

We don't get flu shots either. Every time I have in the past, I have gotten sick from them. We take our chances but you can be sure that the instant I think she is getting the flu, she is home from school in bed. They clear up on their own. As long as She takes it easy the first couple of day, she doesn't get worse. I also let her play in as much dirt as possible in the summertime. Dirt is good for you.

As my daughter gets older, I see that I was overly cautious when she was a baby. Most of my family have allergies or sensitivities to things. This may be the cause of my nephew's troubles. I don't know. But I know that things are turning out well and I would not change any of it.

I almost forgot! Here in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, you can get a religious exemption for the immunizations. We have large Mennonite and Amish communities through out the commonwealth.
The guy that did all this research is now stripped of his medical license for falsifying the data in the studies.
heard that somebody wanted him to be criminally charged.
I said it very clearly back in 2004 when this thread was first created, I would advise any parent on getting their kid vaccinated. Btw, back in 2004, I said "if I have kids..." I can safely say now I won't be having children! :lol:
I'm a special education major at a large university, and have worked in the field for many years with children with disabilities ranging in severity. I also happen to have a younger brother with autism. The studies that have been done on the correlation between autism and vaccinations have all been either proven highly inaccurate, or to have been simply too small of a study to gain any reliable data. One major factor that leads people to believe that there is a correlation between autism and childhood vaccines is the fact that the first most noticable signs of autism in children begin around the time that childhood vaccines are being given. A child may have normal milestones and development up to a certain point, and only begin lagging behind their peers socially when they begin school, which is also around the age children start receiving regular vaccinations for school. Not to mention, that we have developed and created these vaccinations for a reason; because what ever we are inoculating against was killing children. To this day we really have no idea what causes autism or even how people with autism's brains are different than those who do not have autism.

My litter brother is a fantastic, interesting person who just happens to be a little different from most other people. I would much rather have him now, just the way he is than have lost him to a childhood illness when he was younger.

I'm not saying I know everything, or that I know what it's like to be a parent, especially one faced with a child that has disability and may or may not be prepared for that. But this is what I know as a special educator, and the sister of a wonderful person with autism.
heard that somebody wanted him to be criminally charged.

I have no doubt that he will be. He has not just violated ethical standards for research, he has committed fraud on the public.
My friend-nurse told me the instruction for a vaccine on the document is very complication. Most nurses can't read the formula statement on the document. A very few doctors are familiar with it.

She said that the shot contains a mercury and ink among other formula in it. My other friend, who bought my house, was extremely angry with her trusted doctor because her daughter has autism. She thinks that it is too many cover ups from FDA and some doctors. I can't say more about it so I think I believe them.
My friend-nurse told me the instruction for a vaccine on the document is very complication. Most nurses can't read the formula statement on the document. A very few doctors are familiar with it.

She said that the shot contains a mercury and ink among other formula in it. My other friend, who bought my house, was extremely angry with her trusted doctor because her daughter has autism. She thinks that it is too many cover ups from FDA and some doctors. I can't say more about it so I think I believe them.

Vaccines have not had mercury in them for some time now. And the link between autism and vaccines is not a cover up. There is no link. The doctor that did research saying there was no longer has a medical license because he lied about the research findings to make it look like there was a connection when the research showed that there was no connection at all.
To sum up my opinions on the matter:

Hi, my life matters. My experiences and thoughts and feelings and LIFE matter.

Even if vaccines caused autism, which they most definitely do NOT, I would like anyone who is anti-vaccine to look me in the eye and tell me that I'm better off dead from polio than I am alive and autistic.

Do it, I dare you. Tell me that I "suffer" so much that I need to be exterminated.

Because that's what the anti-vaccine movement is all about.
Having an autistic son I am very aware of autism. My son is autistic because he died at birth the cord strangled him the lack of oxygen to the brain left him autistic but hey he's alive and a awesome guy. And actually a genius he just has problems using his intellegents. all my children get there shots they are a literal life savor I know there are some bad studdies but nothing is fail proof is as protected as an unbutton coat it can only do it's Job to a degree.
Interesting. As a fomer special educator, I saw children who were autistic and perfectly happy just the way they were. I also saw children suffer. And I mean suffer - sensory overload, GI problems, injury from self-injury, near death experiences, abuse, etc.

My son would get sick after his vaccination rounds. So, about the time this whole HOLY CRAP! thing exploded, he was 3 or so. I decided to stop vaccinations. It was hard for me because he had RSV and asthma as a baby, so I kept wondering, "What if he gets whooping cough?" or some such.

But...I'm a pretty active and in tune parent, and my son has never had an illness that went unchecked, nor has he caught any illness that may have been prevented with a vaccination, flu not included.

So...the occurrence of polio is pretty much nil nowadays in the US. :) It would be hard to imagine an epidemic unless it resurfaced and many many people were not vaccinated. (Which is why smallpox is scary, but the vaccine itself is dangerous and we don't use it anymore...getting OT here.) Anyway, I decided it was safer to NOT continue with vaccinations and watch my son get sick and have asthma that he's older, if he were required to have them, I wouldn't object. I'll probably let him get the meningitis vaccine since we're in CO and he's at that age.
I know every person responds to vaccines and medications differently. As a freshman student in university, I was lucky enough to have a teacher who spent two weeks with us going over how to look at research and make an informed decision on whether it was biased, fraudulent, truthful, believable, etc.
I am not an expert, but I have looked at the reports and studies done linking autism to vaccines and I am not convinced. Several studies were funded and headed by religious organizations that were heavily against vaccines in general. One study continually kept getting the simplest math wrong, another did not do their repetition blind. One report did point out the levels of mercury and other heavy metal base were equivalent to that found in a can of tuna.
I don't think environmental or genetic data have been explored well enough to say for certain "It's the vaccines". I was impressed by the reduction in specific diseases with vaccine programs. So I chose to have my children vaccinated.
I would love all these diseases to just go away. Perhaps some day with comprehensive vaccine programs they will. I don't want anyone to suffer because of them, but I'd like to see some pretty good proof that all other things equal, a vaccine is causing autism. If someone has a link to a good study, I welcome it in my inbox.
I grew up not getting mine and it has never been a problem. But my school was a small private Christian school and sick kids ARE sent home no matter what.

I'm a little cross on giving and not giving it to a kid. The shots don't always keep your kids protected 100% but it is very very very rare to get autism from the shots themselves. How many cases have actually been confirmed they came from the shots themselves and who claimed it happened? I'm skeptical to believe the media because they have a way to jump the gun when there has been like 2 or 3 cases reported out of a million of peeps getting the injection.

It is a necessary to get the shots in a way because we need enough kids to get the shot so they don't actually get sick and spread it to all the other kids which do and don't have the shot themselves. I think there was a research done recently that showed we need at least 70% vaccinated for it to be good for the rest who didn't get the shot.