So what is everyone doing for July 4th???


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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In the morning I'm going to some Jersey beach, then dinner cruise with World Yacht in NYC with my girl. Should get a good view of the Macy's fireworks. :fingersx:

Probably continue packing, boxing stuff and getting some things done during the day.

At night, they have local displays of fireworks from all of our surrounding cities. If we are pumped enough, we may just head for the show at Disneyland, it never fails every year. You can even see it from the highway!
Nothing whatsoever. I hate running around on holidays. Too many morons out causing traffic jams
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Soak in the sun, pool and bbq
Stay here with my dogs while all the rest of my family works. :(
working on sunday??? we will be camping with friends and will catch some place where the firework will be.
My family and I can view the fireworks from Downtown Jax right off the dock....just a few steps to the river....I won't be out there long tho', as my dog Anita, gets scared of the noise.....It's been raining here for days, so the show might just get washed out....
I'll be having burgers on the grill with my mom and grandmother tomorrow, working tomorrow night, going back to work in the wee hours Sunday, and maybe catching a movie with my dad Sunday afternoon.
We were invited to 4th of July party at friend's house so we'll have cook out, swimming etc...gonna be fun day! Too bad that our oldest, Tyler will be missed! He is at KODA camp and having way too much fun! I am sure he'll have fun on Sunday as well! :)
Plans got changed for me. I have to take hubby back to another job interview on Sunday and we will go visit with his cousin that we haven't seen for 15 years since we were in Missouri and she never travels.

I don't like crowds, so I will watch fireworks on TV if we are home.
Going to Marco island to meet up with my family. We are renting a condo there as usual. There's about 10 of us so it should be a blast!
I got invited to my hubby's family bbq in Delaware, a friends' party, another friends' party, and a pool/dinner/fireworks get together ...I am thinking of choosing the last one because there is swimming involved! :)
I'm hosting a get-together thing in city - a restaurant in village and then up-close n' personal firework display at Hudson River. I'll probably see Alex waving by in his fancy yacht :lol: