So-called Terps- Sending Deaf PPL to Hell

I been "church-hunting" as well.

Some of the churches that I "shopped" at provided interpreters and asked for a collection of donations and paid the interpreter at the end of the service.

Some churches used their own members who would sign out of the goodness of their hearts. Nice and sweet but didn't really convey the message that well.

Then there was this one church......


I was invited by this pastor to check out his church in Snohomish, Washington, and he boasted that they had an interpreter. So I went to their church.

I arrived early and went to sit in the front pew to make sure I got a good view of the interpreter.

The service started and the pastor, interpreter came out in the church robes. At first I thought it was a little odd but didn't complain as it was nice to see the interpreter wearing a dark robe.

The pastor welcomed everyone to the church and started to dis-robe in front of the congregation. The interpreter did too.

"Odd." I thought.

The pastor and interpreter were naked. :shock: I couldn't look at the interpreter nor the pastor. That was when I noticed a couple people around me were dis-clothed as well.

I couldn't take off my clothes as it just didn't seem right in the church.

So I stared at the program and saw the small print, "Our church is clothing optional as we believe that we came to the world naked and must present ourselves to the Lord in our true fashion."

So--my advice is that if you come across a church with a name of "naked" in it's title--:run:

I never went back! :lol:

And my daughter says not to wear dangly jewelry because it is distracting. :D

Churches pretty much rely on volunteer services for everything. I have been asked to terp for churches and I don't even go to church. When I have pointed out that not only am I not a church goer but my ASL has deteriorated to where it disgusts even me the reply has been, "Then it will give you practice and everybody will benefit."

As far as D/deaf people going to hell because they did not get the correct exact interpretation of his word? I don't think many Christians would side with you on that.

My son doesn't like obvious fingernail polish on terps, either.
let me tell u bit of interperter

church member who been pratice

interperter cerfice

both went differnet

correct me if i am going worng

i have three are very eger with interpter they are asl 2 but women herslef are asl 5 but still learn and wow that women she very well and can help me understand better .

i have old church they use member/interperter cerfic and that time i fall a lot
my new church it better and very undertsand

interperter can lead many mistake because they will not follow bible internter follow what he/she think of mean

church member pratice sign can help other people like you to understand god word and even better they will ask you how u sign after church so u can help them and it will be better because they not follow rule of interper but follow god rule and make deaf have save thier soul
deafironchef, what does that have to do with the price of rice in China?