

New Member
Jan 26, 2005
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I can't wait til they have smell-o-vision, so that I can fart all day through tv.... :lol:
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I can't wait til they have smell-o-vision, so that I can fart all day through tv.... :lol:

Hope you have plenty of windex to clean your TV screen..
Actually, I think the technology is ready. Do you know about the Febreeze Scentstories?

Suppose a company creates a movie DVD that combines with a scent "disc"? You play both at the same time. The scent disc would release the appropriate scents to match the movie scenes.

Think of the possibilities! Battle scenes would smell like gunpowder, hospital scenes would smell like antiseptic, rock concert videos could smell like pot, romantic scenes could smell like perfume, outdoor scenes could smell like fresh rain or salt spray, etc.

(You can send my royalty payments to my P.O. Box, :D )
Reba said:
Actually, I think the technology is ready. Do you know about the Febreeze Scentstories?

Suppose a company creates a movie DVD that combines with a scent "disc"? You play both at the same time. The scent disc would release the appropriate scents to match the movie scenes.

Think of the possibilities! Battle scenes would smell like gunpowder, hospital scenes would smell like antiseptic, rock concert videos could smell like pot, romantic scenes could smell like perfume, outdoor scenes could smell like fresh rain or salt spray, etc.

(You can send my royalty payments to my P.O. Box, :D )

brillant idea... u can send me some samples if u make ones. one thing i dont want is a smell from restrooms. ok ? thanks ;)
deafclimber said:
one thing i dont want is a smell from restrooms. ok ? thanks ;)
Hey, you gotta take the good with the bad. ;)

Hmmm...restrooms (especially large public ones), stables, pig farms, factories, autopsies, airplane flight with sick passenger, overflowing sewage, high school boys' gym lockers....use your imagination!
If I remember correctly, yeah, that technology was invented quite a few years ago and shelved. Why it was shelved, I cannot remember.
Tousi said:
If I remember correctly, yeah, that technology was invented quite a few years ago and shelved. Why it was shelved, I cannot remember.
Don't know. One problem might be the transition from one odor to the next. It is not easy to completely clear an area of one strong odor before introducing a new one. "Smelly" movies will probably only suceed if there is only one odor "theme" throughout the entire movie. For instance "Moby Dick" could smell like salty air the whole time.