SmartLink+ vs. Amigo FM?


New Member
Jul 18, 2010
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Going to be switching Tyler's aids from Naida's to Safari's... not happy with the Naida's.

Has anyone tried the Oticon Amigo FM's??? Are they comparable to Phonak SmartLink+???

Not sure I want to return the SmartLink+... hmmmm...
I'm getting the Safari powered verison on March 10th and JennyB has the Safari super powered verison

plus here's some info on the Amigo FM

LOL this FM unit looks like an Ipod!
Tyler is getting the Super Powered Safari's (600) also... just spoke with his audi.

I think we've decided on keeping the SmartLink+... we're just switching to Oticon for the hearing aids.
You could just keep the smartlink but need a diff setup for it to work with the oticons...your gonna need the streamer and the receivers for fm for the new aids ..jenny did this and the set up works well apparently(y) she will prob come on here soon and put her input in:D
I have Oticon Agil power one and I use the Streamer is compared to smartlink and even better, love it
The streamer can come with the aid, it's up to you to buy it or not, I think the streamer alone costs like $1200 or $1600, I'm not so sure, I forgot as I changed my older (not very old oticon HA) to the newest one just to get the streamer so i did not care to check how much the HA alone, lol
I love it, I listen to the Itune with it and music is much clearer, you can set it to completely isolate the sound to music or phone or to let you hear the outside sounds + the music, I set it on last one as I did not want to get in danger when I bike, walk ...., I wanted to hear the noise around me as well. My phone is alway on vibration, no rings since hearing rings in car or in restaurants is ahit or miss situation, but when I have my streamer on, the phone rings in my HA, sooooo cool, no one else around me knows that the phone is ringing except me, lol, I don't have to even touch the phone (iphone) I only touch the phone button on the streamer and the sounds go immediately into my hearing aids, unlike the case when I answer it from the phone it takes like few seconds for the HA to switch automatically to the phone answering or Tcoil, I say it worth the price :).
It takes a little time to get used to it.