Sleep-Running Dog


If You Know What I Mean
Premium Member
Apr 27, 2007
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[ame=]YouTube - Bizkit the Sleep Walking Dog[/ame]
LMAO! That was funny. I bet he went "huh" when he woke up and said wtf?!

That must have been an awesome dream. Makes me wonder if the dog was running from or chasing something.

I also got that same video from a friend in Facebook. It was funny!

That dog must have had a good dream to be running to something or whatever it is. :)
OH HA HA HA! That was too funny! Our dogs get a dream and shake like chasing or something. I had to laugh at them! LOL!
My dog used to do that too while dreaming but not as much as this dog... It's cute and funny... except when the poor doggie hits against the wall :( Hope the owner gave him a nice pat after this...

HAHA He was running from the :mad2: of Jiro!

Might be a possibility... :giggle:

Wow... freaky!! Hitting the wall gotta hurt! I imagine that dog grew a bump in its head like the Pinocchio's nose. :giggle:
hahah it was so funny as he was running hard as he got up and bam into the wall ha
Hahaha my son love the dog that hits the wall. He wanted to see that part and laughed so hard.
I showed this to my husband.

He said the dog was defiantly having a nightmare. He was not running to something....

He was scared and running from something.

"Talking about a rude awaking!"

Poor thing.
another ones:

[ame=]YouTube - Bizkit the sleep walking Barking Dog[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Bizkit the Sleepwalking Running Dog[/ame]

poor dog has nightmares.. :(
Wonder if that dog wore a collar that would shock him? It seems like it was.
Funny but poor dog hits against the wall. Poor doggie!!!

Or that dog might be suffered from seizures. :dunno: