Sleep Disorders

Caffeine doesn't do anything for me. :)

I can drink a can of NOS and then go to sleep. :)
Thanks for advise- I have insomnia since young child. I think my circadian rythm is just FUBAR. I used to stay up all night when I was 6-7 yrs old when my mother was in nursing school and stay up to study. What was she thinking...Im maimed for life. :giggle: I further enhance insomnia by working graveyards, and of course screwin around on AD at night. One option also is that pharmacies sell pure melatonin OTC and take at night a couple hrs before bed is very effective for a lot of people. Plus it is more "natural"

You and me both. I've had insomnia since elementary school. I've only been treating it for a few years. I tried OTC preparations, which did nothing for me. I'm currently on a med regimen that helps, but it takes a LOT to put me out.
You and me both. I've had insomnia since elementary school. I've only been treating it for a few years. I tried OTC preparations, which did nothing for me. I'm currently on a med regimen that helps, but it takes a LOT to put me out.

And three is company! Count me in! I bet my circadian rythm is even more furballed than hohdoug. I think I have the posts to prove it too.

On a more serious note, I think I should seek treatment for it and I'm betting it's a major reason why I have diabetes. I've read somewhere that sleep disorders are a possible major in diabetes.
Thank you, you give me great topic to research today. I have not heard about diabetes and correlation with insomnia or sleep disorders. I wonder if it is imbalance with glucogenesis in the liver and the insulin production in the pancreas. Maybe even insulin resistance increases with sleep disorders. I will post my findings. :)
What about the natural Melatonin pills?

I think that there are two different Melatonin medicines (different companies) - one is a strong non-natural pill and another one that has natural one which is not strong medicine.
I have sleep disorder.. always go bed then get up 2 -3 hrs later then go back sleep then get up i have adhd and Restless leg sydrome and hate staying in bed long ...