Since Halloween is around the corner...


Prayers for my dad.
Premium Member
Nov 24, 2003
Reaction score
What is ur Favorite and least Favorite horror movie(s)?

My Favorite are: "Friday the 13th", Halloween

My Least Favorites are: The Exorcist..(too scary for me) ha! Children of the Corn...(almost peed my pant)
I love alot horror movies so I dunno what I would pick as fave....but I will give a few...

" Friday the 13th "
" Halloween "
" 13 Ghosts "
" Scream "

that's pretty much all I can think of...
I have video from 1st to 6th "Friday the 13th"

Any Halloween
The Exorcist

I like to watch any horror movies.
i love watch Halloween, Friday the 13th and halloween horror movies...
Hmm... might I recommend Ticks? It's about a group of misbehaved teenagers who go camping in the woods infested with ticks pumped up on steroids... :eek:
My favourite is a German movie called "Anatomie" and "Sleepy Hollow."
My least favourite is "Texas Chainsaw Massacre."
Favorite move to watch on Halloween - Nightmare on Elm Street definetely!
Least favorite would have to be some low-rent crappy 'horror' movie where you can see that black microphone hanging or some guy hiding in a closet. So far, Eight Legged Freaks and Signs are the worst.
Off topic:::::is that you Pimpdaddy on ur avatar? If so You are Hot! :) too bad that you are gay. :(
Weirdo said:
Texas Chainshaw... that is the first movie that freaked me out.
oh yea!!! i has dvd Texas Chainshaw.. this is very good movie and i love it!!!
Since I like any movies about ghosts, I'd suggest Sixth Sense and The Others. :) (the "Others" has a real surprise twist in the ending...very cool!)
How about Ringu, Dark Waters, and Ju-on. Of course, these are all Japanese movies. That's what makes them scary, cuz they're dark and original... not copies made in America with too much lighting. :roll:
VamPyroX said:
Hmm... might I recommend Ticks? It's about a group of misbehaved teenagers who go camping in the woods infested with ticks pumped up on steroids... :eek:

I never saw that one.. Is it really scary?
Favorites: "Polgergiest", "Phantom of the Opera (1925/1929)"
Worst: HellRaiser Hellbound