Silly Policies


New Member
Dec 20, 2009
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So.. just wanted to have a small rant about our Services for Students with Disabilities/Government policies!
So.. i had an appointment today to deal with some tech issues that had happened (not important, but i somehow got kicked off the system). Anyway, while there my counsellor looked at my computer and suggested that we could probably get me a new one under the disabilities grants. So we go on and talk about it and then she informs me that to do this, its a one-or-the-other policy.. they can get me a new computer so i can take my own notes, but i would have to give up my computerized notetaker. Problem is.. my issue is not TAKING the notes, i can do that fine. The issue is that my FM only picks up what the PROF is saying.. nothing that the students say in the discussion. So while i can take my own notes from what the PROF says because i don't have to look at my hands to type, i STILL can't take notes on the stuff that i can't HEAR!... THATS why I have the notetaker.. to take notes on the stuff I CANT HEAR!
Please tell me HOW THIS MAKES SENSE!?
Maybe if i had a Sim-Comm interpreter this would be different. Maybe if i had a CART interpreter this would be different. HOWEVER, they don't want to arrange that for me!
Stupid Policy.
At least they bought me my new FM :S
*grumbles* thanks for reading!