Signing without lipreading


Jul 23, 2011
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I can understand signing just fine if I can read lips as people are signing. But of course with true ASL, there is very little English mouthing. Any tips on how to improve reading real ASL?
Do it as much as you can. The repetition will sink into your brain. Vlogs are great because you can repeat things - it's amazing how the second time through things will start to make sense that didn't the first time, without any apparent work on your part. Repeat as nec. I had some tough videos on DVD here, and I just watched them over and over and over: eventually my brain started to get better at taking the stuff in. Obviously try to get a variety of signers so your brain stays flexible. I don't know if you're deaf or hearing. If you're hearing, watch interpreters signing while the material is being voiced, or vlogs with voice-over for signing that's currently beyond you. That'll help your brain put things together too. Sometimes when I get stuck I find if I mimic the signing- that can activate some part of my brain that sort of manually recognizes the signs when I couldn't do it visually. Usually when the sign looks different enough that I don't recognize it to see it, but I can feel what it is as I make the handshapes and motions.