Sign Language Art Glass Beads


New Member
Jul 10, 2004
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Hi Everyone Great site here My name is Tara. I am a child of deaf parents and fluent in sign language. I am going to college to become an interpreter. I am also a glass beadmaker and wanted to share my new sign language bead series with you all. Thanks for checking it out and let me know what you think of them


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Welcome to AD! Hope you find this site heaps of fun and educational -- Enjoy it as much as I do! ;)
:wave: BeadFairy....

Welcome aboard to AllDeaf and enjoy your stay! Have fun postin' with everyone in this AD! ;) Yeah, I like your creative beadmakin' things. They are pretty. All my 4 children are hearin' and they are sign language fluently, too. :)
Thanks for warm welcome

Hi Thanks for the warm welcome and sweet words. I do sell a little bit of beads at ebay(seller neckstop), but mostly at art and bead shows. I am glad I can tie in sign language and my love of melting glass together. Sign language is such a beautiful language and I am whipping these out everyday. I am workin on other signs too to make into glass.
Welcome to alldeaf... Those Beads are real Cool! :D
:wave: welcome to AD -- enjoy ur stay here! :D

the pixs u posted are absolutely kewl! :thumb:
Welcome to AD :) I have to say i L-O-V-E that ILY bead!! I have to admit, I work for a bead store (as I have for 2 years now) so beads = yummy! Maybe we can chat sometime :)
THAT WAS U!?!?!?!?!?! OMG I was surfing in Ebay just two nights ago and im drooling to buy one but im debating on the colors I sure wished there was a rainbow ily sign now that would really rock to add to my collection yep im a rainbow freak and heck i live in a rainbowstate licence plate and everythign this would be one of my many collections :-D

MANNNNNNNNN and also we gotta talk abt that cuz i deffy want that!

U did GREAT when i checked out all of ur beads in Ebay i think ur a great bead maker :)

Have fun posting in AD and glad u joined us :)

Welcome you stay on AD and enjoy post'n anything you likes.

My eyes already popped it out and drooling First picture of ILY hand symbol. Really I like it lot and would love to buy it.. Ebay really quite tough on me and trying to bidd'n and to goal win.. Pretty hard 4 me.. (chuckles) I try my best and bidd'n to get win and have beautiful ILY hands for my daughter's bday.. and also I would love one for myself too.. (chuckles)
Let me know how much cost is that price start ? Wha..ever if you like to pm'ed me.. *wink*~;)
Thank U

Hi I am moving this post to the for sale section Thanks
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