Sighhhh, Now I've Seen Everything

It takes a scary kind of mental illness to design something that disturbing... :crazy:
Ok, that is just plain sick.....

Just when I thought I'd seen everything, you go and remind me how much more psychotic shtuff there is in the world.
man a damned if you do and a damned if you don't i don't like that ONE bit! that was just sickening as the next person trying to destroy a life!
It's a PARODY you guys!!!!! It's like the Onion or Landover!
Notice that the number of views/posts run together before yours was 666!
But seriously, Deafdyke, you CAN buy the items on this site, no kidding!
*shaking my head* Very disappointing in people like those who make these.
While I believe in making a statement, there IS a line that should not be crossed.
That is really sick. What a twisted mind would come up with that. Man the ways people come up with to make money... sick sick sick
who gets the money from the sale of these?????? where does it go?????