Sidekick is coming back!?????

I don't care for SK anymore. I 'd prefer iphone over sidekick even though it would be very nice if iphone has 4G network.
why isn't sidekick dead yet? :confused:
I was tired to use Sidekick in several years. Why is Sidekick back to T-Mobile? I will wait to see iPhone 6 (LTE) next year.
I thought sidekick was already dead?
I thought it was also, however I still have my sidekick with T-mobile. It just lacks in so many departments than my Droid (which I have through Sprint) I have the Evo and its amazing. I used to have a BB, which I really miss because of the key pad but my Sidekick is quite boring compared to other phones I have used.

(Updated: New Pic!) Sidekick 4G In The Wild! | TmoNews - Unofficial T-Mobile Blog - News, Videos, Articles and more



Front-facing camera. on top left panel of Sidekick 4G???
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Captivate (i897))

Hmm, probably will run on 800-1000 MHz hummingbird processor with 512 mb of ram and an internal 8 gb memory for storage, which is my guess. A 800×480 screen as well.
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There are many huge changes for this sidekick! Look very interesting and this phone will be made by Samsung. Interesting.....:cool2:
Look! this is entirely new Android phone! This sidekick no longer have Danger OS. Yes Danger OS died and New Sidekick resurrect with Android. Android is getting popular. So, give the Sidekick another chance.
Sidekick with Android would be AMAZING! I still have the LX it just lacks what my Evo does! BUT the new one has a keypad!