Should we use this ignore button

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Yes,,,Thank you for inviting me deafdyke. But i dont feel ok people when use the ignore feature. Its just not right. Just like vets put pets to sleep which i belive any animal should die on its own instead of someone killing it just to put his or herself out of misery and pain.

Did some one say something??

(P.S. Doesn't that feel nice being ignored by some people?? Have a taste of your own medicine!)
So... why does everyone even care?

So Ravensteve,

I've read some of your posts, and you definitely have strong opinions. You speak your mind and you are a raging conservative. Sometimes you are even downright offensive and racist.

Now I have two issues - one with Ravensteve, and one with the AD community.

One: Ravensteve, why do you care so much about being "ignored"? Just as you are expressing your freedom of speech, they are using their freedom of speech to block you out. So someone doesn't want to hear your opinion, who gives a fuck?

Two: To those who are trying to get Ravensteve to leave. Freedom of speech is what makes the internet so great. On the internet people can freely share their ideas and opinions... let Ravensteve have his opinion - for good or for worse.

Me, I'm just another guy with his own ideas and opinions. If you don't agree, then that's cool.
ravensteve1961 said:
Sorry, :( I do mean it. I think the ignore feature is unconsitutional

Prove me!

We have natural right to ignore you.


So it is 5 people igonring you.

<--- Fifth person to igonre you.

God bless you for your life and hopefully that you seek Jesus as your savior.
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RedTwister said:
So Ravensteve,

I've read some of your posts, and you definitely have strong opinions. You speak your mind and you are a raging conservative. Sometimes you are even downright offensive and racist.

Now I have two issues - one with Ravensteve, and one with the AD community.

One: Ravensteve, why do you care so much about being "ignored"? Just as you are expressing your freedom of speech, they are using their freedom of speech to block you out. So someone doesn't want to hear your opinion, who gives a fuck?

Two: To those who are trying to get Ravensteve to leave. Freedom of speech is what makes the internet so great. On the internet people can freely share their ideas and opinions... let Ravensteve have his opinion - for good or for worse.

Me, I'm just another guy with his own ideas and opinions. If you don't agree, then that's cool.

I 100% complete agree with you (expect with that he is raging conservative) and you may want to see what he said on his posts. You may will say, "WTF, where did he get all that info?"
deafdyke said:
I'm curious......why precisely (eg give links to specific posts) is ravensteve on everyone's scatalogical noun list? I know he's rather conservative but from the posts I've seen he doesn't seem like such a bad guy. Perhaps I am wrong thou. I do feel kind of bad, since I'm the reason why he ended up here (I posted a link to here in the hearing help forums when he was asking about CIs)

I am telling you,and he is not convervative. He is foolish warhead guy.
*Shaking my head*.....

I guess some of you didn't have a great Christmas since too much drama keeps coming right back here in AD just right after Christmas....

How sad!

I don't need to add anyone on my ignore list , all I can do is if I don't like what I am reading then I DON'T reply back....
deafdyke said:
I'm curious......why precisely (eg give links to specific posts) is ravensteve on everyone's scatalogical noun list? I know he's rather conservative but from the posts I've seen he doesn't seem like such a bad guy.

It’s really not that Steve is a bad person. And it’s not that his opinions don’t match the views of the less conservative majority here. We don’t have an issue with that. It’s just that all he’s done since he’s been a member here is complain endlessly about his life situation, verbally insult anybody who challenges his distorted and diminished perception of the world, and generally act the part of a spoiled 5 year old brat. I will admit that I found his antics amusing at first. But it eventually lost its novelty, and he crossed the line when he insulted Cheri when she dared to suggest that the Bush administration had perhaps bent the truth a bit about the WMD situation in Iraq. Granted, he later apologized to her, but it was essentially too little too late as far as I’m concerned. Ravensteve is entitled to his views, but he is not entitled to troll for negative attention, or to harass, insult, or intimidate anybody else here on this message board. If he doesn’t change his behavior, I really wish he would go find another venue for his lunatic rantings.
^Angel^ said:
*Shaking my head*.....

I guess some of you didn't have a great Christmas since too much drama keeps coming right back here in AD just right after Christmas....

How sad!
[Removed] I am quite tired of this anyway.

Edit: I wonder one thing, why does good guys always be sheep for bad things which they did not start in first place while bad guys get away? I guess I will never find out :dunno:
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Magatsu said:
We decided to solve our problem by ignoring him...
Couldn't you ignore him without making a public announcement about it? Was it necessary to gloat about it?
I am gloating about it? Ok, it is your words. Not mine.

In fact, I am not. I believe this topic is for letting others to know that we can carry our intelligent discussions wihtout dealing with others by showing us how to use the ignore. Is it against the rule to create a topic and show how to use the feature?
You know I like you all alot but it was unnecessary to say this in the public forum about Ravensteve or for anyone for that matter...I don't think that was a mature thing to do.....

and God, I'm sitting here crying I guess I feel bad for those who just have to put someone down right in the open, I can't image how it must feel if someone did that to me or for you for that matter.. All I know it's not a good feeling to have
Angel, will you please at least read his posts in these news topic? What did he said is considering err, incompassion?

Why did we have to be blame for this when we created a topic to solve this problem? I guess it is not privilege for us to create a topic while it is ok for others to insult and such. And we didn't start this drama crap.

I am going to create a topic to end of this crap for once and all.
But we would never do anything like that to you, Angel. Don’t you see the difference? It’s a simple matter of ‘what goes around comes around’, and you’ve never done anything to deserve being treated like that—so it will never happen.
^Angel^ said:
You know I like you all alot but it was unnecessary to say this in the public forum about Ravensteve or for anyone for that matter...I don't think that was a mature thing to do.....

and God, I'm sitting here crying I guess I feel bad for those who just have to put someone down right in the open, I can't image how it must feel if someone did that to me or for you for that matter.. All I know it's not a good feeling to have

:werd: I agree with Angel
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^Angel^ said:
You know I like you all alot but it was unnecessary to say this in the public forum about Ravensteve or for anyone for that matter...I don't think that was a mature thing to do.....

and God, I'm sitting here crying I guess I feel bad for those who just have to put someone down right in the open, I can't image how it must feel if someone did that to me or for you for that matter.. All I know it's not a good feeling to have

*nods* i agree w/you Angel i tried of see ppl get hand out in here for no reason that why i don't reply much in here i wish ppl get PEACE since Holiday is almost over cuz i don't need be invole
:fruit: ::yawns:: watching like ping-pong game..

::peace offering:: anyone wants this :spam:?

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