Should I?


New Member
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
Should I flip my finger at the next guy that tries to look at me because I am cute? :o
No Why should you? U should feel flatter that your'e cute..

I agree with Cheri, you should feel flatter that this guy thinks you are cute by looking at ya! :naughty:
Yeah, you should be flattered. It's better than some guy asking you for sex. If a guy did that, then you could flip him the bird! :fu:
LOL, but ya never know if he's a jerk or just ewww. LOL I guess I should flip the bird if I know he is a perv or something LOL.
Unless it is a lusty or moronic stare he gives you, be honored that he finds you cute and give him a nice smile back in return :)
To hell with it! Flip it to a guy who stare at you next time! :) otherwise, wink back.
Ignore Whitemoe...*smh*...

No, the best thing to do is just smile back, say thank you and then leave.

Be polite, but be distant.
