should i sent my children to phillip exter academy in Boston, MA?


New Member
Nov 14, 2006
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should i sent my children to phillip exter academy in Boston, MA in future?

It offers students prepare for university like MSSD.

Do there have deaf students and service at thhis school?
matajan, you are fixtated on Ivy League Universities and the "prestige" of attending a Name Brand School. You don't want to attend the school b/c its awesome want to attend the school b/c of the wow factor.
Unless my kids showed nautral academic talent and weren't being challenged by the public school curricullum or something like that, NO I wouldn't automaticly send my kid to a name brand prep school.
Wirelessly posted

the funny thing is phillip exeter is in new hampshire more than an hour from boston probably closer to two hours phillip andover is just outside with thirty min andover is hard to get into now you need all a s from your entire academic career i would have kids first before even thinking about this dont forget these are some of the hardest schools in the country to get in to
First of all do you have any children! I have not read that you do have any kids, do spend your time thinking up dumps questions to ask us all day! Stop wasting our time with something that has not happen yet! Ask this question in about 15 years , when you might have kids by then!
It is located in New Hampshire, not Massachusetts. Check the facts before you post it on AD.
NO....send ur kids to a public school, save ur $$$ and move out of ur parents house!....Really, it's an off-the-wall question're not even married and in ur early 20's.....
should i sent my children to phillip exter academy in Boston, MA in future?

It offers students prepare for university like MSSD.

Do there have deaf students and service at thhis school?

first - you need to get a job that pays well
second - you need to learn how to be a real man
third - you need to find a wife to make babies
I will find rich and prep woman at prestigious universities then got a top career then married then can have children.
1. Choose a college for yourself, enroll, and attend.

2. Graduate from said college.

3. Get a job.

4. Find a woman to marry. (If you want children, make sure that she wants them also but don't ask on the first date.)

5. Get married.

6. Have children (if possible).

7. Decide with wife about education for children.
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You have children?!

yes he does.

I think I finally can stop laughing now. I only have laughed hard for a good five minutes, with tears streaming down my face.

Ok, I'll stop now. Nope, can't stop laughing.