Should I get another hearing test?


New Member
Feb 8, 2007
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I had an hearing test in 2006. I also got new hearing aids that year, digital BTE type. The past month or so, I've been having problems with my hearing aids. I also went to the ear doctor for ear wax removal 2x in the past 2 months. I went in and got them checked out by the audiologist 2x last week. She adjusted them so there wouldn't be so much feedback and cleaned them out. I still can't hear like I normally did before I started to have problems with them. I'm wondering if the humidity had any affect on them because this summer has been mostly hot & humid. I do use the stay dry jar which sucks up the harmful moisture but a lot of times I forget to "reactivate' the pad so the little beads are blue instead of pink.
I had an hearing test in 2006. I also got new hearing aids that year, digital BTE type. The past month or so, I've been having problems with my hearing aids. I also went to the ear doctor for ear wax removal 2x in the past 2 months. I went in and got them checked out by the audiologist 2x last week. She adjusted them so there wouldn't be so much feedback and cleaned them out. I still can't hear like I normally did before I started to have problems with them. I'm wondering if the humidity had any affect on them because this summer has been mostly hot & humid. I do use the stay dry jar which sucks up the harmful moisture but a lot of times I forget to "reactivate' the pad so the little beads are blue instead of pink.

Yes. I would definitely try and rule out a change in your hearing status at this point in time. That way you can narrow your focus on what the problem might be - either your own hearing or the hearing aids themselves.

I hope you can get to the bottom of it soon. It must be very frustrating to you. Keep us posted on how you get on.