Share your experience at Gally!


Apr 6, 2003
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Hey y'all! I am thinking of transferring to Gally. However, I am still not sure if I should. Share your experience or opinion about Gally here, and I might use it in my decision!

By the way, I have a big deaf family and none of them have been to Gally. I went to Gally several time to visit and I like it there but I am concerned about the education and the housing at Gally. I would like to have a job in Florida and I don't know if a degree from Gally will be good in Florida.
I almost went to Gally for my Prep year in 1989-90, but decided not to go due to financial reasons and personal as well. My younger sister, however, decided to attend Gally where she attended for almost 3 years.

Hope more people here will have the information on Gally you need. :)
Gatorboy, it depends on what is your priorities. Would gally serve these priorities or not? Do what is best for yourself. I've gone to gally for four years and graduated. I don't regret the experience.

Do keep in mind, if you transfer to gally - gally may not recognize a few or some of your credits that you have earned from your previous or current college. Expect some issues with VR, registrar office (class scheduling), bad teachers (yes there are some good teachers too), etc in the form of a "wild goose chase." But it has always gone smoothly for me since I followed all paperwork and always followed up on something. Patience also helps. Just keep yourself informed regarding the academic offices... what their working hours, purposes, and who the people are. If you are required to take remedial classes in math, english etc... I strongly advise you to take those in a community college - much cheaper!

The great thing about gally is that feeling of community, new friends, and that you can make your own opportunities. Join organizations, Buff n Blue, pick out great classes that have good teachers (I can recommend a few and you can get the more seasoned gally students to tell you), etc.. and not let certain academic advisors bully you into taking certain classes.. :) Know your rights and know what can be doable! They won't argue with that. You can always take it up to their supervisor, too.

I've met some pretty good friends through classes, and I keep in touch with a few of them online. Hope my input helps. If you need more info, feel free to PM me. :)
What do you want to major in? RIT does have a lot to offer. RIT also has a big deaf community as well. Which do you think would fit you better?
Well, I want to work with either veterinary medicine or computer science. I know I will rather Gally over NTID because Gally have a stronger deaf culture and I am looking for that.
Liza said:
Gatorboy, it depends on what is your priorities. Would gally serve these priorities or not? Do what is best for yourself. I've gone to gally for four years and graduated. I don't regret the experience.

Do keep in mind, if you transfer to gally - gally may not recognize a few or some of your credits that you have earned from your previous or current college. Expect some issues with VR, registrar office (class scheduling), bad teachers (yes there are some good teachers too), etc in the form of a "wild goose chase." But it has always gone smoothly for me since I followed all paperwork and always followed up on something. Patience also helps. Just keep yourself informed regarding the academic offices... what their working hours, purposes, and who the people are. If you are required to take remedial classes in math, english etc... I strongly advise you to take those in a community college - much cheaper!

The great thing about gally is that feeling of community, new friends, and that you can make your own opportunities. Join organizations, Buff n Blue, pick out great classes that have good teachers (I can recommend a few and you can get the more seasoned gally students to tell you), etc.. and not let certain academic advisors bully you into taking certain classes.. :) Know your rights and know what can be doable! They won't argue with that. You can always take it up to their supervisor, too.

I've met some pretty good friends through classes, and I keep in touch with a few of them online. Hope my input helps. If you need more info, feel free to PM me. :)

What about your job? Are you working in what you got your degree for?
Yup - even if it's freelancing, and I have no problems getting projects. I do what I can. :thumb: I would prefer a local job around here in my field, but i'm not allowed to try finding a job here because I've not taken language classes yet as that is required for all foreigners with job permits. I moved from USA to Norway because I married a Norwegian.
Gatorboy00 said:
I know I will rather Gally over NTID because Gally have a stronger deaf culture and I am looking for that.

Actually, the education should come first, not the deaf culture.

Perhaps the culture may be important to you, but I suggest that you do heavy research before making the final decision on what university to go to study vet medicine.

If GU turn out to be a good place to study the vet medicine, then go there. Think about your career future, not socializing. Future is the most important part of your early life, and to be prepared for it.
Banjo said:
Actually, the education should come first, not the deaf culture.

Perhaps the culture may be important to you, but I suggest that you do heavy research before making the final decision on what university to go to study vet medicine.

If GU turn out to be a good place to study the vet medicine, then go there. Think about your career future, not socializing. Future is the most important part of your early life, and to be prepared for it.

Getting knackered or stoned is not going to get you a good paying job. You do want to go to either Gallaudet or N.T.I.D for their education.
Banjo said:
Actually, the education should come first, not the deaf culture.

Perhaps the culture may be important to you, but I suggest that you do heavy research before making the final decision on what university to go to study vet medicine.

If GU turn out to be a good place to study the vet medicine, then go there. Think about your career future, not socializing. Future is the most important part of your early life, and to be prepared for it.

I agree!! RIT offers a lot of good techologies but i do not know much about RIT because I went to Gally myself. You have to research on GALLY and RIT/NTID to see what they offer courses you are looking for. It does not matter what if you are worried about getting a job from good colleges. It does not matter.. It's all about you who makes effort to search and desire for your goal to be what you want to.
I made a BAD choice taking courses in GALLy because I did not know what I want to be. BUT my husband made a good choice because he knew what he wanted to be, as an accounting major and minor in business management. He got a job that he knows he wanted to be. He is a fiancial officer. For me, I made a bad choice because I took first development children then changed to psychology then changed to Bus. managment because bus. management is too general. I was always interested in working with kids but didn't know waht I want to be. If I knew myself that i wanted to be a teacher then I could have major in development children and education ementenary along with deaf studies. I ended up working for Social security Adm because I know myself that I am capable of working with businesses but i always wanted to work with kids. I need to go back to school and get education major but i didnt. Hopefully, I will go back to school some day if i do, then i will work with kids.
I suggest you to check Gally and RIT/NITD's booket to see what they have courses for you to pick out for your major if you want to continue.

You know i have friends who have deaf parents and they went to RIT. NO DIFFERENT. RIT and GALLY have strong deaf community for sure. I have been visiting RIT/NITD a lot and i love there. BUT i didn't pick there because I thought I was going to be teacher but ended up in bus management.

I hope you understand about your choice and search for courses and pick out to be what you like to do.

WaterRats13~ You know I was a prep of 89-90. TOo bad I didn't have a chance to get to know you. ;)
Banjo said:
Actually, the education should come first, not the deaf culture.

Perhaps the culture may be important to you, but I suggest that you do heavy research before making the final decision on what university to go to study vet medicine.

If GU turn out to be a good place to study the vet medicine, then go there. Think about your career future, not socializing. Future is the most important part of your early life, and to be prepared for it.

I am out of touch with GALLY. Gally does not have any VET medicine courses. BUT GALLY do have coorindinating with other universities meaning you will have to go to any universitiies to add course then graduate at gally. It depends on how much you take courses from gally or other univerities.
Gatorboy, I hope you make the best decision for yourself.. be it GU, RIT, CSUN, MIT, GT, and all the acroyms! :D
I got to agree with Banjo ..that education is more important than deaf culture.

You got a whole long life ahead of you to socialize with deaf folks so it is important that you follow your academic goals and will be happy with a good paying job than be stuck with a low paying job yet a fantastic social life. How would you be able to pay for social activities anyway? I see so many folks opting to go to Gallaudet for their social activities but they end up getting burnt out and not having time to study or focus on their priorities then end up leaving Gally to attend local colleges to start all over again.

I noticed that no one mentioned Cal State Univ- Northridge (CSUN)....RIT and Gally arent the only great colleges around :D
I have attended a local college for a few years. It's getting bored there, because I have a hard time getting involved with the students there. Of course, we do have several deaf students at my local college but most of them are not my type of the people that I would hang out with. I have researched on Gally and they do offer veterinary medicine through other college. Of course, I will have my academic goals set up first before I socialize with the deaf people. It's just that I feel that I need to get involved big time with a college to get the full experience. At Gallaudet, I will have no problem getting involving with the people.
Gatorboy00 said:
I have attended a local college for a few years. It's getting bored there, because I have a hard time getting involved with the students there. Of course, we do have several deaf students at my local college but most of them are not my type of the people that I would hang out with. I have researched on Gally and they do offer veterinary medicine through other college. Of course, I will have my academic goals set up first before I socialize with the deaf people. It's just that I feel that I need to get involved big time with a college to get the full experience. At Gallaudet, I will have no problem getting involving with the people.

Oh yes that's right, GU has this consortium program. Sounds like you've already made your decision about attending GU? :)

I think you'll meet some pretty interesting people at GU :D
Gatorboy00 said:
I have researched on Gally and they do offer veterinary medicine through other college.

Actually, the other college students do have the first dibs on the courses, then you can register for the courses, its all bullshit with the interpreters also. Its just a bad combination. A friend went through the frustrating experience. Hes currently going to Cornell instead.

Its hard to get into a veterinary school once you finish your preveterinary studies, or required courses. Having gone to a college with excellent professors and has good repuatation wouldn't hurt your chances of getting in.
Its pretty much many factors that they will look at.

And you metioned computer science?
Does Gally offer that, if so is their program good? RIT is a tech school, and the college of science is excellent. Its prevet studies does have a good repuation.

Gatorboy00 said:
I know I will rather Gally over NTID because Gally have a stronger deaf culture and I am looking for that.
Well, deaf culture is almost everywhere, like what Banjo said, there is always time for deaf culture, always. Therefore education should come first, that's first and fat thumb rule, at least for me anyway.

I got around at Gallaudet for some time with my ex-girlfriend who is still student at Gallaudet and frankly, there's nothing to impress about. Many relatives of mine included parents and grandparents went to Gallaudet (I am fifth generation of deaf trait or families), I visited Gallaudet more than I do at NTID/RIT and I think RIT is more of my type because of education and its rich resources for my job position, IT (Information Technology, in other words, network admin and such). I plan to sign up at RIT or UACT for education's sake, not so-called "culture" or "social", if I don't and pick different job position like guidance or school counselor or for so-called culture or social's sake then I probable will pick Gallaudet. Even though I heard that NTID/RIT's social is somewhat good than average (of course depends on your attitude and such, it goes same for Gallaudet)

Also I got hang around with hearing culture most of time even though I graduated from deaf school because of few reasons so it does not bother me at all if I don't spend enough time with deaf culture. Sure, Gallaudet have several excellent resources for deafies in certain area but unfortunately that my "area" isn't one of these that Gallaudet will or can provide. Actually it depends on individual.. Gallaudet isn't great for certain people, NTID/RIT isn't great for certain people, list go on.

In any case, I was glad that I did got some experience from hanging around with friends in Gallaudet and such because it helped me make a decision on which university I want to go for my job and my future. In fact, I got this information from Gallaudet men themselves that many guys went to Gallaudet because of number of se-- *cough* women, not jobs or future *shrug*

I had some talks with several different people who graduated from Gallaudet in computer science and different computer courses/positions, they personally recommend me to take anything in computer area at RIT or UACT, not Gallaudet due to resources, excellent courses (Few of them and I did research together :p) and other things. Again, education comes first and deaf culture or social comes second.

To summary up, Banjo is right about researching, it is key.. I will not regret what I experience at Gallaudet but Gallaudet is just not for me.

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If you're looking into Vet. Science or CompSci with some deaf socializing, your best choices are either CSUN or RIT. VetSci I believe requires a med school track through biology, which you can get at CSUN, and RIT and CSUN both have CompSci departments that are excellent.

I'd like to definitely echo that you should choose the college based on education, not social atmosphere -- it does you no good to go to Gally and flunk out of college or go to college for 10 years until you get a degree from a college that people in your chosen career have never heard of. Get in, have your fun, and get out with the degree you want and win the job you want.
I'm thinking about transferring to Gallaudet University this fall.
Gatorboy00 said:
Hey y'all! I am thinking of transferring to Gally. However, I am still not sure if I should. Share your experience or opinion about Gally here, and I might use it in my decision!

By the way, I have a big deaf family and none of them have been to Gally. I went to Gally several time to visit and I like it there but I am concerned about the education and the housing at Gally. I would like to have a job in Florida and I don't know if a degree from Gally will be good in Florida.

I was a Gallaudetian last year and I left due to my health and the education wasn't meeting my needs. It was too easy for me. Alot of my friends left Gallaudet due to same reasons. All you have to do is to ask a lot of questions and make sure Gallaudet is the right place for you or not. Gallaudet is not for everyone, tho.

I love all the memories I made at Gallaudet. It was quite a living one-in-a-lifetime experince. Edcuation wasn't good enough for me. That's one bad thing about Gallaudet.

Go and follow your heart.