Seven Questions Your Minister Does NOT Want You to Ask

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Dec 23, 2006
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I'm very impressed with this. This reading is long if you're patient enough.

Here are the 7 questions they asked:

Satan—A Being of Light?

(1) “What is the Bible’s Definition of Sin?”
(2) “What is God’s Law?”
(3) “Are We Saved by Just Grace —or Are Works Involved?”
(4) “Do People Go to Heaven When They Die?”
(5) “Can the Trinity Be Proven in the Bible?”
(6) “Who is the God of the Old Testament?”
(7) “What is the Church Christ Built?”

The answers are in this link:

Seven Questions Your Minister Does NOT Want You to Ask
That link is to a branch of Herbert W. Armstrong's former Worldwide Church of God. Their doctrines and beliefs are not the same as traditional Biblical Christianity. For example, they don't believe in the Trinity of God, and they believe in soul sleep rather than Christians going instantly to the presence of God in Heaven.

Anyway, my minister doesn't mind if we ask those questions, and he will gladly answer them. :)
It's a good thing to ask your minister. There are some minister or priests won't answer questions like these I mention above the link. I don't go to church because they don't have CART so I do it online. It's a lot easier for me to understand. And if I have any questions, I'll ask. :)
What you mean CART?

I know one meaning of cart. A wagon. But what you mean about CART in church?

Just becareful where you read online or offline. I agree with reba. It is a pseudo-Christan. Same do not listen to J.W. and the L.D.S.

The bible truly did say that you need to find a church--a group of believers. Have you ever tried to attend a deaf church cell? Or a neighbor hosting bible study/cell? I know many churches around my hometown has such groups. I even had my UCSN Bible Study for singles and for deaf in early 2000s. People around here are bit cold hearted though and I stopped having my bible studies. I was successfully to establish a deaf singles bible study in Miami, FL.

If you cant attend a PHYSICAL church (building) to worship God, why not you start your own bible study with other deafs at your home or if you prefer more room or whatever, you can have it at Denny's (Restaurant) back area or at a coffeehouse or ask around if someone or someplace has space for you to host it.

I hope this helps! GBU!
I know one meaning of cart. A wagon. But what you mean about CART in church?

Just becareful where you read online or offline. I agree with reba. It is a pseudo-Christan. Same do not listen to J.W. and the L.D.S.

The bible truly did say that you need to find a church--a group of believers. Have you ever tried to attend a deaf church cell? Or a neighbor hosting bible study/cell? I know many churches around my hometown has such groups. I even had my UCSN Bible Study for singles and for deaf in early 2000s. People around here are bit cold hearted though and I stopped having my bible studies. I was successfully to establish a deaf singles bible study in Miami, FL.

If you cant attend a PHYSICAL church (building) to worship God, why not you start your own bible study with other deafs at your home or if you prefer more room or whatever, you can have it at Denny's (Restaurant) back area or at a coffeehouse or ask around if someone or someplace has space for you to host it.

I hope this helps! GBU!

I'm married with my hearing hubby. I'm severely (almost deaf) HOH. I've been living here for 5 yrs so I really don't know if there's any deaf/HOH around here. I do know there's one in Vermont school for the deaf which is 18 miles from here. But I can always find out.

Thanks, Reba for explaining about CART. It's a good idea to have one.
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