Sensorineural hearing loss and Central Auditory Processing Disorder


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Dec 27, 2009
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Sensorineural hearing loss and Central Auditory Processing Disorder are they link together? I think people with Sensorineural hearing loss have difficulty understanding the speech even if they can hear it. What's your view?
Not a view, but a fact. They have different causes in different places in your body.

SNHL is in the auditory nerve.

CAPD is in the brain.
My daughter has both and they are separate. As Botti said, the CAPD is in the brain. Your brain will not be able to process what is in front of you whether it is written or spoken. You have to break down the steps and process it slowly. Lots of checklists. My daughter lives for them. :giggle: NOT!!
Uncle has both different things; I also have hearing loss and strong possibility have CAPD. I have a lot of difficulty processing oral information. Two different things, even though effects may seem "similar" to some people who aren't familiar with either.
Sensorineural hearing loss and Central Auditory Processing Disorder are they link together? I think people with Sensorineural hearing loss have difficulty understanding the speech even if they can hear it. What's your view?

I think they are just trained not to be confidence what they hear.
I think they are just trained not to be confidence what they hear.

I had SNHL and had a lot of problems with understanding the spoken word. I was never a part of the deaf community as I was mainstreamed and had no special anything for my hearing loss except one hearing aid, for a bilateral problem.