Sensitivity Issues?


New Member
Jan 31, 2012
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First off, I don't really know where to put this... SO if it needs to be moved, go for it and sorry for the trouble.

I have a mild to severe mixed hearing loss... And lately I've had some issues. I know that people who have a hearing loss are more sensitive to noise... And I having a problem with that more recently. When people talk, I get headaches and just want to cry. It's to the point where I want to control what I hear and I just want it quiet. Do other people have this? What do you do to get rid of it or handle it?


Is this only when wearing hearing aids? This sounds like it might be something like this... But I also have it when I'm not wearing my hearing aids. The article also mentioned hyperacusis which I'll have to look into.. The short definition sounds like it might be contributing to my issues too... But thanks for the input! I've never heard of such a thing, I just knew people were more sensitive to noises if they had a hearing loss...

I'm still wondering what I can do to prevent any of it...
I personally dont know but I'm sure someone else will be along soon and could answer. :)
You might want to check into a condition called Hyperacusis... might be what you are experiencing.
If you haven't done so, see your ENT specialist or your audiologist. If hearing certain sounds causes pain, it is a legitimate medical issue, let the specialists take a look into it.
Go see an ENT or an audiologist, they might help with whatever you're experiencing with. To me sometimes its the weather, with the pollen and stuff like that can sometimes bother the ears. Trust me, even with the CI i experience myself the sensitivity being too high or too low.
i can understand how you feeling,in early days of hearing loss thought going mad and when i put the aids in gave me headaches felt sick to pit of stomach...i hope it gets sorted soon best of luck
have some eggs on toast makes you a little settles ear and tummy...(from my experience < bad tinnitus!)
I had this problem when I first got my aids. How new are you to hearing aids? It took time for my brain to adjust.
I had this problem when I first got my aids. How new are you to hearing aids? It took time for my brain to adjust.

I'm not really new to hearing aids... I've had them since 3rd grade and I'll be a senior in high school this year... But it isn't just with the hearing aids.. It's without having them in too...
do you think could have meniors disease,not uncommon with deaf,i splet it wrong i know...i have it myself can give you bad headaches and sickie...i chew ginger and if very bad take serc,just an idea
If it's without your aids, I am thinking it's likely medical. Look into the PP's suggestion of Meniere's (sp?). An ENT can help you, or even a GP. Good luck :)