Senior citizen looses housing subsidy from hiding prostitute


Dec 28, 2012
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NORRISTOWN, Pa. (AP) " Authorities say a man living in a suburban Philadelphia assisted-living facility has lost his housing subsidy after officials found a prostitute underneath his bed.
Uri Monson tells The Intelligencer in Doylestown ( the man, believed to be in his 70s, paid prostitutes using profits earned from peddling alcohol to fellow residents.
Monson says the man was a "more mobile gentleman" who went on booze runs for his neighbors.
The incident was reported Thursday after county commissioners authorized contract extensions with private facilities housing former residents of the closed county-owned assisted living facility.
The county paid more than $1 million to subsidize assisted living care for 21 seniors last year.
Monson says the man was a "more mobile gentleman" who went on booze runs for his neighbors.

I know people in their 80's who are "more mobile" and don't live in assisted living facilities....Free to do what they want in their own homes or apartments....So what was this guy doing in assisted living?...He drinks and has sex...Perhaps the room was "free"? ...But gotta remember, there are "Rules" to follow in places as this....He got booted out for breaking why not get his own apartment or room, pay for it himself...drink all he wants to and not have to hide the escorts.....???
Monson says the man was a "more mobile gentleman" who went on booze runs for his neighbors.

I know people in their 80's who are "more mobile" and don't live in assisted living facilities....Free to do what they want in their own homes or apartments....So what was this guy doing in assisted living?...He drinks and has sex...Perhaps the room was "free"? ...But gotta remember, there are "Rules" to follow in places as this....He got booted out for breaking why not get his own apartment or room, pay for it himself...drink all he wants to and not have to hide the escorts.....???

Maybe he doesnt have the loot to get his own place...
The idea thst if breaking these types of rules we can just not give a damn about him and toss a 70 yeaar old to the street. Is well....
You think like a con rockin robin
Cold as stone girl....
:roll:...Who knows how much loot he has....Jobs have rules.. AD has have rules...HOA has rules...parents have rules....and if they can't be followed, then go elsewhere where they might be tolerated.
:roll:...Who knows how much loot he has....Jobs have rules.. AD has have rules...HOA has rules...parents have rules....and if they can't be followed, then go elsewhere where they might be tolerated.

Your coming across as a fascist....
You asked what this person was doing in assisted housing, i was merely pointing out maybe he has no loot to be on his own.after all its called assisted housing...
As for yoi rant on rules..
Roll eyes....
To my knowledge...Assisted Living is for those who need Assistance in everyday living...Independent Living is for those who are elderly but can. or are mobile enough to live independently, and Elder Source checks upon them occasionally, even Meals on in my own case.

Don't appreciate your name-calling!...It's my opinion as you have a right to yours too...but I haven't called you a name such as this.

It says this man was "more mobile" than the other residents...and the State had spent $1 million to reburish this facility...why taint it with prostitudes and alcohol?....
To my knowledge...Assisted Living is for those who need Assistance in everyday living...Independent Living is for those who are elderly but can. or are mobile enough to live independently, and Elder Source checks upon them occasionally, even Meals on in my own case.

Don't appreciate your name-calling!...It's my opinion as you have a right to yours too...but I haven't called you a name such as this.

It says this man was "more mobile" than the other residents...and the State had spent $1 million to reburish this facility...why taint it with prostitudes and alcohol?....

I never called you any names...i said your comming accross as a fascist....that doesnt mean you are one, or callling you one.
Your statements are comming across as one to me.
Because fairness is a faculty of justice, and if you let rules rtump this mans life, as in tossing him to the street over having a working girl around, or what ever, if hes not bothering anybody, he was actually helping his on..other silly rules that exist, its allowing rules to trump compasion.
Rules are good
we do not exist for rules, rules exist for us. Its easy to forget or ignore the human bieng and just harp on
My opinion anyway...
As for tainting his room with booze and a working girl..good for him...hes still rockin at that age....right robin?
I never called you any names...i said your comming accross as a fascist....that doesnt mean you are one, or callling you one.
Your statements are comming across as one to me.
Because fairness is a faculty of justice, and if you let rules rtump this mans life, as in tossing him to the street over having a working girl around, or what ever, if hes not bothering anybody, he was actually helping his on..other silly rules that exist, its allowing rules to trump compasion.
Rules are good
we do not exist for rules, rules exist for us. Its easy to forget or ignore the human bieng and just harp on
My opinion anyway...
As for tainting his room with booze and a working girl..good for him...hes still rockin at that age....right robin?

No....I'll say this...if you rented a room from me and I told you no prostitutes or alcohol or rules...and you broke them...damn right, you'd be out on your arse....

Compassion?...Feel sure there were other residents there that did not approve of what was going on...this was a "private facility" and the man was lucky to get in....

And feel sure Social Services are gonna do something for this him elsewhere. We have very nice facilities where I live...and sure enough, one day I'll be in one....

No....I'll say this...if you rented a room from me and I told you no prostitutes or alcohol or rules...and you broke them...damn right, you'd be out on your arse......


Compassion?...Feel sure there were other residents there that did not approve of what was going on...this was a "private facility" and the man was lucky to get in....
What in the article mskes you feel sure about this? Pls cite the information other residents had issues with him...i maybe missed it....

And feel sure Social Services are gonna do something for this him elsewhere. We have very nice facilities where I live...and sure enough, one day I'll be in one....
Your still young girl.....rock till the end....not dead dont quit!!!

What in the article mskes you feel sure about this? Pls cite the information other residents had issues with him...i maybe missed it....


That's just silly. Common sense tells you that a majority of people share the same moral values.

Plus it makes me extremely angry when people write pls when meaning please.

(But that's just a feature of HFA and really beside the point.)
That's just silly. Common sense tells you that a majority of people share the same moral values.

Plus it makes me extremely angry when people write pls when meaning please.

(But that's just a feature of HFA and really beside the point.)

The article swys he was doing booze runs for his neighbours, so we know he was helping people, the article.didt say his neighbours were up in srms and outrsged at him...
Seems its just beurocracy and silly rules....not real meaningful stuff thst has lesd to him being kicked out.
The article swys he was doing booze runs for his neighbours, so we know he was helping people, the article.didt say his neighbours were up in srms and outrsged at him...
Seems its just beurocracy and silly rules....not real meaningful stuff thst has lesd to him being kicked out.

:lol:...he was doing booze runs for his "neighbors"...and you know he "was helping people"...
but seriously could he been doing Christian act putting girl up so not walking streets and getting some of old timers a few beers or I very nieve
but seriously could he been doing Christian act putting girl up so not walking streets and getting some of old timers a few beers or I very nieve

:laugh2: you are making me laugh! I really don't think he was putting her up to keep her off the streets, keeping her for himself maybe. The story was kind of funny, and that home had every right to kick him to the curb. Rules are rules, they must be obeyed.
Yes he was helping his neighbours get booze...

How about the diabetics who weren't supposed to have it?

He may have been a complete menace and causing further health declines among his peers.
How about the diabetics who weren't supposed to have it?

He may have been a complete menace and causing further health declines among his peers.

Adults make their own decision. If they are.diebetic and know they shoukdnt drink but do, its on them..
im just saying.tossing him out for having innocent fun with a working girl and helping his neigjbours get booze is harsh..
In my opinion