Self Perception with a Cochlear Implant

Franz K

New Member
Mar 10, 2006
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Hi all,
I've been severe to profoundly deaf my entire life, and I just lost a bit more hearing, so I'm seriously considering a cochlear implant.
For those of you who have cochlear implants, how do you feel about having this technology inside yourself (outside of the fact that it hopefully improves your hearing)? How do other people look at your cochlear implant? Are people generally pretty cool with it, or do they look at you strangely? Does having a cochlear implant create any limitations in terms of finding friends or getting involved in significant relationships?
One of my biggest concerns about getting an implant is that I will be viewed as less human than before, and that I might face a different kind of discrimination with a magnet hanging from my head. I'm a guy, so I don't have a lot of hair to cover up the implant. I don't see any reason to be ashamed of it, just as I'm not ashamed of being deaf, but we all know how many limitations we face in the hearing world.
Thanks for your opinions.
When I had a body processor, people thought it was a walkman! But since I've gotten the BTE, I don't get people coming up to me and asking "what's the score?", and I don't feel like I get stared at in public. The BTE does look like a HA, and people are more used to HAs in my experience.

I like calling myself a fyborg...I'm okay with carrying around a piece of metal and silcone in my head. I don't feel less human--I feel MORE human than before since I can interact with people more!

Having a CI has never stopped me from having friends or relationships--but it has made communication, which all relationships need, much easier!
Interesting questions!

I've been activated for 12 weeks now and I don't feel any different to how I felt before implantation. It is a strange concept to get used to but after the novelty wears off you just forget that you have a small magnet in your tissue. I can't even feel it unless I use my fingers to feel the small bump under my hair.

I don't get any more stares than I did with hearing aids but bear in mind that I live in Australia where even ignorant old women know what a CI is since it has been so well publicised in the media. Personally I think those bluetooth things that many hearing people wear are far uglier and more obtrusive looking than CIs. It looks like they have a growth out of their ears.

And yep I feel more human now due to as Fyborg said my increased confidence in interacting with people. I feel less tired now and feel that I am making more plans for the future.
I've had my implant active for over a year now, and every single interaction I've had with people has been positive. I've not once encountered anything negative. Some people react with awe when I explain how a CI works, others who know about CI'S just smile and say they are so happy for me, and glad that *I* am so happy with it. My boyfriend is hearing, and he's my biggest supporter. My entire family has been fantastic, and I find that I make friends EASIER now because I'm more confident about myself. Whereas I used to try to avoid situations where I'd have to interact with people (like going to a party, or a meeting, or an interview, or going back to college) I now look forward to these interactions.

Not once have I ever thought of myself as being different or "less than human" because I have a piece of equipment inside me. If anything, it has bought OUT my humanity more, because instead of hiding in my room, avoiding everybody and trying to interact as little as possible, I'm now out there, going to college, participating in clubs, making new friends, and grabbing life by the balls.

I frequently say, (and hear others say to me when I tell them about my CI) "Wow isn't technology WONDERFUL?"

If it helps you, I wear my hair extremely short (I'm slightly baldish myself) and it is noticable. However, most folks think it is a HA not a CI as most really aren't aware of CIs (here in the US). Since I use either silver or blue, people think it is really cool. I had one person tell me he thought that my blue one was the coolest thing (he also thought it was a HA too! :D )

I have had my CI for 1 1/2 and I feel pretty "human" with it. As R2D2 stated, once the novelty wears off, you don't notice it anymore. I took that tack that hearing well was much more important than how it looked as long it wasn't gross which it is not just hi tech. The part that actually fascinates people is the the magnetic transmitter. How does that thing stick to your head? or Er, does it come off? It is more like being a live infomercial than anything else and people really are agog and say thats great!