Seeking Skype buddies


New Member
Oct 18, 2010
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Wirelessly posted

Greetings! I took ASL IN NYC and Boston. I'm now studying in Rhode Island. I keep taking beginners courses because I need to keep learning and refreshing what I have forgotten. I need practice! Anyone out there available for Skype 1-2 nights/week?! My Skype name is PurpleFruhead. Thanks! : )
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Hope you can stay and have fun with us. Enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
Thank you for your replies, all! Bottesini, I have followed your link and will add some new Skype buddies in the next few weeks.

I am concerned, however, that I have received a spam e-mail after joining this website. I received something from someone at the following address:, telling me their life story and looking for a long distance relationship, likely seeking a welcome ticket into the United States from some desperate individual. I will be reporting this email to the Internet Crime Complaint Center. (Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) | Home). Is there any way to prevent this spam from entering my e-mail box again? It is quite disturbing, and because it has come from this website, I am disheartened. Thank you.