Seeking participants for an ASL Lab video project


New Member
Jul 28, 2005
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I'm not sure if this is the right place for this but I'll post anyway.

I'm deaf (obliviously) and I graduated from California School for the Deaf, Fremont in 2003. I'm also a student working on a video project for the ASL Lab at the Ohlone College in Fremont, CA for my ASL: Field Work class. I was supposed to do some volunteering work for the class but since I work at California School for the Deaf as student assistant for the transportation I can't volunteer so in exchange my instructor (Sandra "Bunny" Klopping) wanted me to make a video project for her future ASL classes.

Basically, this video will have about 25 deaf participants expressing their background story on any of these followings:

  • General story about your life as a deaf person.
  • Are you the only deaf person in your family? What was it like?
  • Do you have cochlear implants? How have it affected your life?
  • Have you experienced any issues with your job with your deafness?
  • Have you experienced any problems out in the public with your deafness?
  • Have you enrolled into mainstream and deaf schools? How was it like?
  • Have you enrolled into more than one deaf schools? Were they same or different?

Those kind of things are what I'm looking for. Each person will be limited to 5-10 minutes each. You can pick one topic or mix some. You can either film yourself with video camera or web cam and upload it then send it over to me. You can edit it before sending to me. I will then put them all together into a single video. Your signs must be clear and easily understood. I will only need the person's name and their location (City and State you are from).

So if any vloggers or any of you are interested, please post here or email me at Thanks for your time and I look forward to hear from you!:wave:

List of 25 participants filled:

  1. Available
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