Security Warning box

I'm using firefox for life. I clicked those link. I don't see any warning box during I built own my new PC with new W7 professional OS disc installed as fresh start.

I think if i'm wrong you opened virus email already OR re-install your recovery disc for fresh start for cleaning up your PC... OR.. use CCleaner program clean your RAM memory up as remove cookies (locked passwords in RAM).
Go click your firefox Options:




Remove whole cookies that's where your password has been stored in your firefox.
That usually happens if someone uses secure and unsecure stuff on the same webpage.

For instance, if you visit a website that begins with HTTPS and it contains information (like images) that is sourced from HTTP... then this usually happens.
I received a Security Warning box.

"You have requested an encrypted page that contains some unencrypted information. Information that you see or enter on this page could easily be ready by a third party."

Alert me whenever I'm about to view an encrypted page that contains some unencrypted information."

AVG and Microsoft Security Essentials and Malwarebytes could not find anything!!

HELP!! :eek3:

here's other same problem at Apple users.

Mac Security Error Exposes Encrypted Data