School bans activities at recess

Nobody wants to be liable for kids is what this is. Kids get hurt ( In normal every day functions I might add ) and the parents flip shi**. Then it's the it wasn't me, it wasn't me well it wasn't me game, and nobody wants to be liable. I bet this kid got punted in the face with the ball, the parents flipped out and threatened to sue like EVERYONE now a days just about, so they banned balls to not get sued or some crap like that. That's what it all comes down to now a days, avoiding getting sued. Remember the lady spilling hot McDonalds coffee on her lap in the drive through? She WON a BOAT LOAD of money because there was nothing written on it saying "hot." Yes, because when I get my coffee at the drive through I expect it to be room temp dammit!!! ( Ice coffee not included in this. ) :P

I'd like some tepid coffee, please. :giggle:
Anyone fall off from the monkey bars in the playground as a kid?

I can see what ambrosia suggested really happening in the future. Toughen up kids! We were tough and so can you!
Honestly, I think it is the legal atmosphere. People are so sue-happy, they'll sue for any reason. It is very costly to fight off lawsuits. For this reason, I think schools, businesses, etc, are locking down what you can and can't do, just to try to head off a lawsuit before it happens.

It all comes from fear.
Well, if playing ball is banned during recess, what else do the kids do? :hmm:
Nobody wants to be liable for kids is what this is. Kids get hurt ( In normal every day functions I might add ) and the parents flip shi**. Then it's the it wasn't me, it wasn't me well it wasn't me game, and nobody wants to be liable. I bet this kid got punted in the face with the ball, the parents flipped out and threatened to sue like EVERYONE now a days just about, so they banned balls to not get sued or some crap like that. That's what it all comes down to now a days, avoiding getting sued. Remember the lady spilling hot McDonalds coffee on her lap in the drive through? She WON a BOAT LOAD of money because there was nothing written on it saying "hot." Yes, because when I get my coffee at the drive through I expect it to be room temp dammit!!! ( Ice coffee not included in this. ) :P

For the most part I agree. But that case is often pointed out when people are talking about frivolous law suits, the case has gotten a bad rep. From what I understand McDonald's didn't just serve hot coffee but dangerously hot coffee. It caused 3rd degree burns and disfigured her it was so hot, she had to get skin grafts.

I wanted to get m facts straight so I googled it. Yep, I heard right. She would have settled at 20K just enough to cover her medical expenses but Mcd's would only offer her $800 so it went to trial, the jury is responsible for the punitive damages it awarded her.

America is sue happy though, but I wish people would stop using that poor woman's case as an example.
Anyone fall off from the monkey bars in the playground as a kid?

I can see what ambrosia suggested really happening in the future. Toughen up kids! We were tough and so can you!
My grandson did and he broke off his two upper front baby teeth.
The sun may burn them, the snow will make them cold....what next? Crazy!!!!!
There is nothing safety anywhere... When I was a kid, I was actively played around forests and got cuts & bruises. lol. Even I accidently hit myself by my nose bumped a tree. I cracked my damn fingers. :lol:

It's kinda sad that how children being overly protected from anything hazard things now...
For the most part I agree. But that case is often pointed out when people are talking about frivolous law suits, the case has gotten a bad rep. From what I understand McDonald's didn't just serve hot coffee but dangerously hot coffee. It caused 3rd degree burns and disfigured her it was so hot, she had to get skin grafts.

I wanted to get m facts straight so I googled it. Yep, I heard right. She would have settled at 20K just enough to cover her medical expenses but Mcd's would only offer her $800 so it went to trial, the jury is responsible for the punitive damages it awarded her.

America is sue happy though, but I wish people would stop using that poor woman's case as an example.

Ah see, I did not read up on all the facts as far as the settlement. Seriously though, in a certain light... we know coffee is hot... It's not really McD's fault she spilled it. Though, at least I can see she wasn't being a total douche about it now. I've got coffee from Dunkin Donuts that was ungodly hot! I thought it took off the first layer of skin on my tongue! So I approach all coffee as such.... a death trap. :D But yes, America is definitely sue happy... It gives me a headache to see what people try and sue for sometimes. :roll:
If kids can't play or tags during recess , what do they do ? I guess blowing bubbles are out too as a bubble could knock a kid out.
From my friend:
The Death of Common Sense

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.

He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:
Knowing when to come in out of the rain;
Why the early bird gets the worm;
Life isn’t always fair,
and maybe it was my fault.

Common sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don’t spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults are in charge not children).

His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of an 8 year old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate, teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch, and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.

Common sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a student, but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

Common sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses, and criminals received better treatment than their victims.

Common sense took a beating when you couldn’t defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.

Common sense finally gave up the will to live, after a women failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.

Common sense was preceded in death, by
His parents, truth and trust
His wife, discretion
His daughter, Responsibility
His son, reason.

He is survived by his 4 stepbrothers
I know my rights
I want my rights
I want it now
I’m a victim.

Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone.