San Diego DPHH


New Member
Oct 6, 2003
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Anybody here goes to DPHH in San Diego County??

DPHH= Deaf Professional Happy Hour

I would like to meet new people. SO far I do know several DPHH patrons already from school or work so I am trying to give other Deaf in proximity of San Diego a head up. DPHH is not like Deaf Coffee Chat or anything-- it is for Deaf who have a job, college et cetera. More "serious" adults and most of the times the dphh is hosted at a resturant or a bar where it is the hapy hour (hence the title). It never stay at the same place-- every first friday DPHH is somewhere in SD County. You could sign up to be on their mailing list so the hostess could mass-email the date, time, and the most important: PLACE.

[I don't want to sound like a snob but DPHH is not definitely for ASL students or anything... level one or whatever. It is a 100% deaf event only, among the adults. Just keep that in mind so you won't feel out of place.]

[An acquiantance of mine heard about DPHH and wanted to come-- I felt she wld be out of the place because of her background-- no jobs, no planned future except to look for a place to live, she didn't want to go to college and she wanted to be a Veterianian but no actions taken to pursue it.]
She ended up not liking the place because everybody "is so maturer and think they know everything!" in the reality she was intimated by people discussing about their MA thesis or recuit people for surveys regarding deaf culture/health and talk about problems at workplace, et cetera. So ... don't be like HER!]