Saddam Hussien CAPTURED ALIVE!!!

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Whoa.. I did not expect that US troops captured Saddam!! Way to go, US troops!! :thumb:

Osama bin Laden, you are next!! You can run and hide from us, but you can't hide from God himself!! You soon will be found by US troops!! :nono: at bin Laden!!
Oddball said:
Whoa.. I did not expect that US troops captured Saddam!! Way to go, US troops!! :thumb:

Osama bin Laden, you are next!! You can run and hide from us, but you can't hide from God himself!! You soon will be found by US troops!! :nono: at bin Laden!!

yeah can't wait :D
horray!!! US TROOPS! Untied we stand!

I can't wait to see saddam go in international justice.. it's gonna be interesting.. and he's lucky to get his own lawyer.

ahh.. Bin Laden.. amen! Wish ya luck bin laden.. i suppect he's hidden in mars..
maybe you are right Bin Laden is hidng at Mars but I suspense he can hide under grounding for sure.
KingCobra said:
It's official that we captured this bad muthafucker!

Now since Saddan Hussain is the small talk is about who's gonna get the reward money for that... wish I can get the money :naughty:.... let's get bin Laden!
WaterRats13 said:
MODS: please merge this to the other thread I started 2 hours before this one did. Ta!

Request completed. :thumb:

Mod Note:
"Confirmed" thread merged with "Unconfirmed" thread at request of thread creator.
pimpdaddyposse said:
Now since Saddan Hussain is the small talk is about who's gonna get the reward money for that... wish I can get the money :naughty:.... let's get bin Laden!

Probably the U.S. army or the Prez. :mrgreen:

Early Christmas present for him right? :-o
Oddball said:
Whoa.. I did not expect that US troops captured Saddam!! Way to go, US troops!! :thumb:

Osama bin Laden, you are next!! You can run and hide from us, but you can't hide from God himself!! You soon will be found by US troops!! :nono: at bin Laden!!

Texans captured Saddam. :mrgreen:
the EAGLE flew and kicked ur ASS to hell and BACK now its time for u to pay for the crimes u caused and the terror u started!
if people cheer for Saddam being captured, that mean more chance for Bush to be re-election. :naughty:
KingCobra said:
It is about fucking time to get this muthafucker busted!


Hooray for the U.S. Troops! :thumb:

:lol: He looks like a caveman ! :rofl:

I read the newspaper this morning. Saddam told the US Troops, please do not shoot me ! What is the fuck, he brainwashed to the Iraqis people for 35 years that he has too powerful man. He is nothing man !! Unbelievable, he killed of his own two daughters and million people. Now he looks like a rat as fearful of us.

Glad, Iraqis people now in peace and freedom from the slave !
illustrator said:
if people cheer for Saddam being captured, that mean more chance for Bush to be re-election. :naughty:
No! I don't want Bush to win again! Argh! :fu2:
Now ThatSaddam has Been captured

Sabrina said:
:lol: He looks like a caveman ! :rofl:

I read the newspaper this morning. Saddam told the US Troops, please do not shoot me ! What is the fuck, he brainwashed to the Iraqis people for 35 years that he has too powerful man. He is nothing man !! Unbelievable, he killed of his own two daughters and million people. Now he looks like a rat as fearful of us.

Glad, Iraq is people now in peace and freedom from the slave !

Now that saddam has been captured, when is the US gonna go after some real crooks....BUSH, CHENEY, RUMSFELD,THE MILITARY, BUG BUSINESS eg. ENRON,WOLRDCOM.....I can't believe how blind, no stupid people are. Focussing on one despot,and conveniently ignoring the one in your own backyard..that's right that latest design in toilet bowels...George Bush. George Bush has a little dick and he really needs to prove to his daddy just how much of a man he is......When are we gonna see the US hauled up before the International Courts for their role in terrorism? Oh,no,the US fights for freedom and peace. MY ARSE it does!

Whatare you guys basing your judegments on, what your fucking president tells you?I don't even beleive what our prime minister tells you...your government knows where bin laden is, they knew where saddam was.....the whole situation stinks to high hell, but most Americans can't smell it, cos they are cocooned in the safety of Freedom and Love and Peace that is called the US of A.The US of fucking A supported Saddam in the first place, when he didn't koktow to the US demands, they decided to get him.

When the US steps in and saves the Palestinians from the fucking zionists, THEN I will believe your cuntry stands for freedom and stands for big business and money,as indeed does the rest of the Western world. Don't ever forget that.
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deafbrutha said:
Now that saddam has been captured, when is the US gonna go after some real crooks....BUSH, CHENEY, RUMSFELD,THE MILITARY, BUG BUSINESS eg. ENRON,WOLRDCOM.....I can't believe how blind, no stupid people are. Focussing on one despot,and conveniently ignoring the one in your own backyard..that's right that latest design in toilet bowels...George Bush. George Bush has a little dick and he really needs to prove to his daddy just how much of a man he is......When are we gonna see the US hauled up before the International Courts for their role in terrorism? Oh,no,the US fights for freedom and peace. MY ARSE it does!

Whatare you guys basing your judegments on, what your fucking president tells you?I don't even beleive what our prime minister tells you...your government knows where bin laden is, they knew where saddam was.....the whole situation stinks to high hell, but most Americans can't smell it, cos they are cocooned in the safety of Freedom and Love and Peace that is called the US of A.The US of fucking A supported Saddam in the first place, when he didn't koktow to the US demands, they decided to get him.

When the US steps in and saves the Palestinians from the fucking zionists, THEN I will believe your cuntry stands for freedom and stands for big business and money,as indeed does the rest of the Western world. Don't ever forget that.

So, you want to allow Saddam murder and rapping Iraqis?
illustrator said:
So, you want to allow Saddam murder and rapping Iraqis?

No I don't, but the US population are so gung ho on Saddam and Iraq, and Bin Laden that you can't see what the US is really doing! Half these despots and tryants are there with the support of the western a little bit of research and stop believing what your mainstream media feeds you.

Besides he wasn't doing anything that the US doesn't do,what the UK doesn't do,what Australia doesn't do,what the rest of the world doesn't why all this hypocrisy over Bin Laden and Saddam?
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