??s for late deafened adults

Also, I think some late-deafened are sort of in denial about their hearing loss.
I can agree with the travelling thing.

My parents never got why I am willing to go on a 2-days bus trip just to see someone for a day. It's more about money than time when it come to reasons for travelling though.
Thank you, Shel. I often feel like I am overstepping when I post opinions like that on Deaf Culture. It is nice to be told I am right. :ty:

Dude... you have been part of the Deaf community for so long, you can piratically pretend to be deaf and still fit in. Although the fact you don't do that means you're an honest bloke, and I respect you for that as well.
A couple questions for those who became deaf or profoundly HoH....

Did you learn ASL? If so, was it difficult to learn, to find a class, or to find someone to help you learn. If not, is there a reason you don't want to learn or having trouble learning?

When I first lost my hearing I could not find anyplace that had ASL classes for less than $600-800 dollars. Also, I am a "hands on" learner. I can't do with going from a book I am now in a different city and state and will be taking classes next month.

Do you find acceptance within the Deaf and HoH world?

Very much so. Both here on AD and with the local deaf club. When out in public, if people see me sign, I get a few people who think I'm weird, but mostly they just want to know more about it.

A couple of reasons I have posted these questions. I have met some people who are late deafened adults and their experiences have varied. Most have not learned ASL. One person simply can't find any classes in sign in her area.

I know that feeling totally. That why I'm glad we moved.

Also, it seems a lot of late deafened adults do not integrate into the Deaf Community. Their social circle seems to shrink to family and a few friends.

I am trying to integrate within my local deaf community, but home family takes up too much time these days. I still have a lot of my family members and all of my old friends who don't believe I am deaf and don't want to be involved with the "needy" person. That's what my one brother called me, but when he needs something, I am the first person he contacts.

If it had not been for finding AllDeaf, I would have totally "lost it". They have been a live saver and really do help alot. It was thorugh AD that I found out about how to get a VP and was able to get one and had a few calls already. Still want to find others to add to my phone list tho...
I'm reluctant to drive long distances, too. I hate to be away from my kids, and I'm not going to drag them along. When the kids get older, who knows? Maybe I'll be fancy free!

Late deafened people go through the whole grieving process, including denial. It's easy to get stuck in one of the phases and it's not good if they can't move on. But people adapt in different ways and on different time tables. That's ok.

This forum has helped me immensely. I'm working on branching out in RL, too. It's great to know that I always can log on and peers who understand are available.
the school for the Deaf in Kansas
Yes....that's your best bet....they have a HUGE Dhh community.
I think that some younger late dhh teens are getting into the whole Deaf thing.
I think too that older folks are more into the whole hearing aid, " hearing impaired" ALD culture.
Dude... you have been part of the Deaf community for so long, you can piratically pretend to be deaf and still fit in. Although the fact you don't do that means you're an honest bloke, and I respect you for that as well.

Off topic, but funny story to tell: I once had a hand injury in a strange town, think it was somewhere in Nevada. Our family tends to travel in groups if not in toto. Went to the emergency room.

They were not about to let anyone in with me, neither friend nor family; not even my wife.

My daughter grabbed me by the arm and drug me off the chair saying, "He's deaf and I'm his interpreter. I'm coming."

And she did.
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I am late deafened and do not identify as hoh but deaf. I have lost a LOT of hearing in 15 months that some ppl don't lose over years or in their lifetime..it doesn't really bother me a lot tho since some ppl have it a lot worse than I do. I am a very happy person and I don't think i've ever sat back and have thought wow my life sucks cuz of this nor have I been secluded by myself much. Although it gets to be much when my whole hearing class is talking and I can't really join in cuz it's just so much convo going on at once I stick to the BlackBerry messenger and talk to friends or a close Deaf friend that I have :) And I have not begun to learn ASL other than a few sings here and there cuz I am way too busy at the moment
Dude... you have been part of the Deaf community for so long, you can piratically pretend to be deaf and still fit in. Although the fact you don't do that means you're an honest bloke, and I respect you for that as well.

:wtf: There are people that pretend to be Deaf?