Runaway US bride faces jail term

Nancy said:
She invited 600 guests, and then she fled prior her wedding? That to me is a WASTE of money and time for planning for this wedding.....and yes, I agree that she needs professional help.

don't know anyone who would invite 600 guests to a wedding??? except for maybe some celebrities, kennedys or the royal families? :crazy:
I will be SMAHT said:
wondering what makes her runs away from her wedding even through their families had done nothing wrong?

Not to sound like a smart ass or anything, but she's nuts. There's really no other explanation for it.
Oceanbreeze said:
I have a strong feeling that there is much more to this story than we know. Obviously, something made this woman flee. No ordinary woman would do this.

No ordinary man or woman would plan an elaborate wedding for months and months. Then twenty-four hours before the ceremony, up and run. No ordinary man or woman would hide, and then, be found, and create an elaborate story of kidnap and rape to explain her absence.

Something is definitely up in Dodge, and may never know the full story behind all this.

I agree with you. She needs psychiatric treatment.
Yes, i agree, there is more to the story that we dont know about and i think the woman is deeply disturbed, period. I hope she gets the help she desperately needs.
FeistyChick said:
she got what she asked for! :crazy:

Actually, I don't think so. I don't think she was aware of the consequences of her actions. I think she could only think about one thing...

Getting OUT! And, that is what she did when she fled. I think she is only now realizing the mess she created for everyone.
Oceanbreeze said:
Actually, I don't think so. I don't think she was aware of the consequences of her actions. I think she could only think about one thing...

Getting OUT! And, that is what she did when she fled. I think she is only now realizing the mess she created for everyone.

i am not too sure about this.. cuz she was gone long enough to know everyone was looking for her with her name splattered all over the news and even national tv!?!? i mean come on!!! and costing money to look for her as well! sheesh! yes she prolly FREAKED OUT and wanted to get out of it... and ran to "think" but she could have at least let her family/loved ones know her whereabouts the next day instead of few days later sending everyone on a wild goose chase!!! :ugh:

something just smells funny here... i just can't pinpoint it... :dunno:
Oceanbreeze said:
I have a strong feeling that there is much more to this story than we know. Obviously, something made this woman flee. No ordinary woman would do this.

No ordinary man or woman would plan an elaborate wedding for months and months. Then twenty-four hours before the ceremony, up and run. No ordinary man or woman would hide, and then, be found, and create an elaborate story of kidnap and rape to explain her absence.

Something is definitely up in Dodge, and may never know the full story behind all this.

I agree with you. She needs psychiatric treatment.
:gpost: Oceanbreeze, I totally agree with what you said, I felt when the news first broke out that something scared her enough to run out on a wedding knowing that 600 family, relatives and friends are coming.

Something is definitely up in Dodge. I wonder if we will ever find out to make this whole bizarre situation make much sense. This is so confusing :werd:
CODAchild said:
:gpost: Oceanbreeze, I totally agree with what you said, I felt when the news first broke out that something scared her enough to run out on a wedding knowing that 600 family, relatives and friends are coming.

Something is definitely up in Dodge. I wonder if we will ever find out to make this whole bizarre situation make much sense. This is so confusing :werd:

I'm sure it makes sense, but we will never know. We will never know, because, we will never be privy to all of the information given. This is how it should be, but it makes one wonder. Frankly, I am glad she wasn't sentenced more harshly, because, she is clearly disturbed and needs treatment. If she had been sentenced to time in the county jail, she would NOT have gotten any treatment until her sentence was served unless they moved her to a jail that catered to those with medical needs.

I'm glad it resolved itself the way it did. But, like you, I DO wonder. I suppose we always will question it. :confused:
Beowulf said:
Sounds like a few taserings are in order, too, a few times a month. That is the only way we, errr, she can learn.

:lol: that made me laugh for a good while. . . :laugh2:

and i agree :wiggle: