Rude response = rude personality?


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Oct 24, 2012
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1) For those who rely on speaking as the primary method to communicate, have your received rude attempts from other people when you speak to them? It's hard for me to explain but I think you will get it. Haha, I have a nickname for this kind of facial expression for people who don't understand you: "constipated face".

2) This sounds really superficial but again, this is an open-minded thread so I'm curious if you have any opinions on this. Based on how people respond to you when they hear your speech, does their reaction give you "insight" into their personality? What I've noticed is that if people respond to me by being patient or without making a rude facial expression, they are actually very kind people but for those people who make rude facial expressions, they tend to be impatient, rude, and not-so nice people. Has anyone observed this "pattern"?

For instance, I met a person at my previous job and when I asked her for something, she was so rude like she said, "WHAT??! I DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU?!?!?!" . When I got to know more about her, she was one of the rudest people I've ever met and people who know her disliked her.

3) Have you ever been told that you have an intellectual disability until you tell the person who said that that you have hearing loss/hearing impairment/etc.? I find it pretty rude that people automatically assume that you have an intellectual disability based on hearing your speech until you explain it to them. How would you reach to it?
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I am older and I have had many moments of rude responses.

It gets to you after a while, and I really avoid speaking to strangers if it is at all possible.
I am older and I have had many moments of rude responses.

It gets to you after a while, and I really avoid speaking to strangers if it is at all possible.

For these rude responses, have they given you "insight" into their personality at all?
For these rude responses, have they given you "insight" into their personality at all?

Well, I think yes, in general how you treat others is a good indication of what kind of personality you have.

Of course it gives me insight into my own as well, as I get a strong urge to punch them in the face.

It's why I like dogs. They are trustworthy.

But I should add, people who are sickly sweet and want to be so understanding of my disability make me angry as well.
Ironically, my Southern accent is so heavy that Northerners automatically think my accent as a whole is that of a Southerner. To those that are in my area, they automatically assume my accent is a mixture of Cajun and Southern from various parts of Louisiana. I have had one incident where a person was inconsiderate in asking me to repeat myself. I kindly did so but as I learned about him more and more, it turned out he was a rude person in general- I've learned not to take offense to those who are rude in having me repeat myself. It's life- and I play off whatever accent is perceived by others.
I definitely have to agree with you. I personally have gone through boat loads of speech therapy and have to speak for work, no other way around it. As far as I can tell with the C.I. and from what others tell me I'm pretty "normal" sounding. ( I think my heavy accent hides a lot of this ) I have friends of mine that do not have C.I.'s or H.A.'s as well and who just have the "Deaf voice" thing going on but you can understand them just fine who get the constipated face, so yes I know exactly what you're talking about. It's definitely people who are impatient and usually just rude. People who just don't want to listen. It's not even like it's hard to understand them! Sometimes it can just be someone having a bad day I suppose... but usually yes, it's just a** holes to be honest... so that's what I've come to notice. People I want nothing to do with... that's for sure.