Rochester, NY


Active Member
Aug 16, 2006
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Is there any deaf meeting or event in Rochester, NY? I find it s hard to believe if there are none since Rochester NY has one of the large deaf population in USA.
They vary every year. In Rochester, it's not traditional events... more of fads.

One year, everyone will party at "The Yellow House". Another year, the best party will be at "The White House". There's even a great party at "The Blue House".

This year, I don't know where the best party is at.

Secondly, it's more of a popularity issue. One day, this is popular. The next day, it's old news and that is popular.

There was one event a couple months ago... Midway OC Drive-In. Yep, a drive-in movie theater with OC movies. They have that every year at a town of Oswego which is 1 to 2 hours away from Rochester.

There's also Brickfest every odd-numbered year. During that weekend, there's always a huge party on Friday night.

There's an OC movie theater near RIT. Instead of weekly, it's twice a week. Tuesday to Thursday is one movie and Friday to Monday is another movie. Yep, that's two movies every week instead of one! The busy nights are usually Tuesdays and Fridays. During those nights, you can meet other people in the movie theater if you show up early.
They vary every year. In Rochester, it's not traditional events... more of fads.

One year, everyone will party at "The Yellow House". Another year, the best party will be at "The White House". There's even a great party at "The Blue House".

This year, I don't know where the best party is at.

Secondly, it's more of a popularity issue. One day, this is popular. The next day, it's old news and that is popular.

There was one event a couple months ago... Midway OC Drive-In. Yep, a drive-in movie theater with OC movies. They have that every year at a town of Oswego which is 1 to 2 hours away from Rochester.

There's also Brickfest every odd-numbered year. During that weekend, there's always a huge party on Friday night.

There's an OC movie theater near RIT. Instead of weekly, it's twice a week. Tuesday to Thursday is one movie and Friday to Monday is another movie. Yep, that's two movies every week instead of one! The busy nights are usually Tuesdays and Fridays. During those nights, you can meet other people in the movie theater if you show up early.

Yea I have been to "Yellow" house and boy it was wild party. But these parties are not my type. I m speaking of deaf social whereas there are mature people. For example, DC has deaf professional happy hour or starbuck social events.
Yea I have been to "Yellow" house and boy it was wild party. But these parties are not my type. I m speaking of deaf social whereas there are mature people. For example, DC has deaf professional happy hour or starbuck social events.
In that case... :dunno:

Finding a mature event is an extreme rarity.

Every party I go to will always have at least 1 person who is completely wasted beyond comprehension.

With many deaf students at NTID/RIT, it's not a party unless there's alcohol.

I've been to a few hearing alcohol-free parties and those were the only ones that were mature. When I mentioned that I was going to these parties, many deaf people would tell me I was a loser and that these were not "parties" but more of "loser gatherings". :roll:
"Loser gatherings"? Lets see, those who said that... how many of them become successful and having decent jobs to hold?

I won't be too surprise the result.

I believe there is reason behind why there isn't much of mature parties because successful deaf people don't waste their time hanging around with so-called losers!

I got no time for losers.

I've been to a few hearing alcohol-free parties and those were the only ones that were mature. When I mentioned that I was going to these parties, many deaf people would tell me I was a loser and that these were not "parties" but more of "loser gatherings". :roll:
"Loser gatherings"? Lets see, those who said that... how many of them become successful and having decent jobs to hold?

I won't be too surprise the result.

I believe there is reason behind why there isn't much of mature parties because successful deaf people don't waste their time hanging around with so-called losers!

I got no time for losers.

The best I can remember, a few of those who went to the wrong parties still managed to graduate and have a good future... but they were the mature ones at the parties. They drank responsibly, respected others, acted mature, knew what they were doing, etc.

The ones who got wasted, passed out, drunk off their asses, puked their guts out, etc... were the ones who either got knocked up, in trouble, and/or had bad futures.
No offense, but Rochester is like a... (thumping sound on the keyboard)


(snoring sound)

That's it.

One year, everyone will party at "The Yellow House". Another year, the best party will be at "The White House". There's even a great party at "The Blue House".

I just found out that "Yellow House" die out last year. The flavor of this year is "Barn House'. I went there and oh boy I left five mins after I saw four guys were drunk and had their shirts off.
I just found out that "Yellow House" die out last year. The flavor of this year is "Barn House'. I went there and oh boy I left five mins after I saw four guys were drunk and had their shirts off.

Damn. Come to Washington DC, and party with me, there's a lot of deaf events >:deal: to attend in DC.
Damn. Come to Washington DC, and party with me, there's a lot of deaf events >:deal: to attend in DC.

LOL. dude, I m from Maryland. Yes I know deaf community is CHAMP in DC :)

My favorite spots at DC are adam morgan and dupoint circle.
Damn, that makes me want to move to the East coast to party with the deafies. heh

There are the deaf party in Austin, TX but too many homosexuals than hetrosexuals down here.

No offense to the homosexuals.)