Reserve the Z from CSDVRS

Maybe you ought to be an official vp product reporter/tester for the AD forum! :D

I should. But I do not have ALL of the devices though.
UPDATE about Z

I did email customer service about coupon. I told them that the coupon has been expired that dated Dec. 31, 2008.

I got email from CSDVRS customer service. they said that they completing final stage of the testing new Z phones. Z-340 has started to ship Z 340 to the customers. The Z 150 has not released yet. CSDVRS will contact these customers when Z 340 will become available. This due of volume is very high.

The coupon still is good until I will get email by CSDVRS.

Be patient. I know that alot of deaf people eager to see new videophone.
I think that Z 340 still is beta testing. Similar to MVP.
Be warning, it doesn't come with browser until later on new firmware update.
You can order as many you want. They sell Z for IP-340 at price $99. If want T-150, price is $299.

I plan to order two 340, one for work and one for home. So my wife can use Videophone more often.

If FCC ruling was written differently, then can buy more videophone with same phone number. Right now its pointless to have many videophone with many ten digits number tied to individual. Slow down capitalism method.

T-150 would be real good for a public place. I would not use it at home though its a bit cumbersome.