Rep. Anthony Weiner Erupts In Congress In Fued Over 9/11 Health Bill

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Aug 5, 2009
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Rep. Anthony Weiner erupts in Congress in feud over 9/11 health bill: Stunning outburst goes viral
Rep. Anthony Weiner erupts in Congress in feud over 9/11 health bill: Stunning outburst goes viral
BY Michael Mcauliff

WASHINGTON - Outrage roared out of Congress and onto the airwaves yesterday, as New York legislators angrily blamed one another for the failure to pass the 9/11 health bill.

Lawmakers feuded loudly over the strategy to pass the measure compensating and caring for living - and dying - survivors of 9/11.

As the 9/11 Health and Compensation Act headed to defeat in a legislative ploy Thursday night, Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-Queens-Brooklyn) erupted in a stunning outburst from the House floor that went viral on TV and the Internet.

Democrats had tried to pass the bill on the so-called "suspension calendar," which requires a two-thirds vote because the other side is not allowed to amend such bills.

Republicans accused them of pulling the strategy because they knew two-thirds was impossible - and simply wanted to bash the GOP for being against heroes.

That's when the sparks flew.

First, Rep. Pete King (R-L.I.), pleaded with his party to back the bill, then charged Democrats with perpetrating "a cruel hoax and a charade."

Then Weiner - veins throbbing and fingers jabbing - furiously accused King of throwing up a smokescreen to hide the fact that nearly all GOPers opposed the bill.

"You vote in favor of something if you believe it's the right thing," Weiner roared, saying it was "cowardly" to blame procedures. "If you believe it's the wrong thing, you vote no!"

King tried to interrupt, loudly asking Weiner to yield - prompting an even louder explosion.

"The gentleman gets up and yells like he's going to . . . intimidate people into believing he's right. He is wrong!" Weiner hollered.

King climbed to his feet and again yelled for Weiner to yield. "I will not!" the apoplectic Brooklynite answered. "The gentleman will sit! The gentleman is correct in sitting!"

King said several GOP colleagues told him Weiner's tirade cost the bill their votes.

The dueling outburst was a hit on the Internet, and the two were featured on cable and local news all day.

"I hit a raw nerve," King said. "I exposed the Democratic hypocrisy, that they were sabotaging the bill, that they were putting up the bill to fail and they were putting their own political interests before the lives of the cops and firefighters."

King got partial backing from Mayor Bloomberg yesterday, who hammered the vote strategy of Democrats - and the opposition of Republicans.

"Congress is unwilling to stand up," Bloomberg said, adding that he was disappointed just 12 Republicans voted yes. "How can they preach patriotism and then when it comes down to doing it, partisan politics?

"On the Democratic side, it's even more of an outrage," the mayor said. "The Democrats have the majority. They set the rules.

They could have brought up this bill and passed it."

The eruption also exposed a real difference among New York lawmakers over how to pass a bill vital to 9/11 responders.

Numerous Democratic sources told The News many in the delegation wanted to bring the bill up in the regular manner and pass it on a simple majority.

The downside: The GOP could make motions forcing ugly votes on immigration, abortion or other culture war issues.

They promise to bring the measure back in September, but privately admit the political climate will only be worse closer to the election. Tough votes could be even tougher, and though aid for the heroes of 9/11 would likely pass, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi could be forced to delay the vote until after November.

It would pass easily then, but it could be too late for the Senate to follow suit. Legislators would then have to start over next year, with fewer Democrats to help.
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