relay operator from Canada says hello


New Member
Oct 28, 2006
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Hi, I heard about this forum while looking up the National Association for the Deaf and wanted to check in with how you guys feel about hearing people joining, and particularly relay operators. While I like to think I get along well with my callers and that they are happy with my service I do know that hearing people might not be supposed to post or read certain things here.

To be honest, I also just need to bask in a place where I can see deaf people being treated well by hearing people and where they assert themselves and express themselves comfortably. I relay a lot of calls in which the hearing party [usually from a 1800 number or business] is extremely rude and dismissive to the caller because they are deaf, because it takes longer to type a conversation through relay, or because the caller's english is heavily influenced by american sign language. Operators are not allowed to intervene or advocate on behalf of our callers when this happens, and I understand that this is because 'they're supposed to do it themselves' but this still peeves me.

Oh, and I'm 23 and was born in Alberta, the cowboy province of Canada, and I moved to Quebec this summer because they're nice to us gays here. I speak english and am currently learning french because i just moved to a french city, but some day i also hope to learn ASL.
Welcome to AD! :wave: This is a very diverse forum with hearing, deaf and everything in between. Enjoy! Dave
to AD.. This site have mixed of people who are deaf, hoh, oral, and hearing. So really it is not just for deaf people, ok. So you are more than welcome to be with us. so I hope you will enjoy the stay with us and happy posting away! :)
Hooray, another Canadian. We are a small group here. Well I havent found that many Canadians.

I am from Alberta, which city were you in/near? Welcome to AD
Thanks for the welcome folks.

guido- relay operator is a term for hearing people who help deaf or hoh people talk on the phone with hearing people. We read text out to hearing people and type their responses. In most states relay service is 711.

rdc- I live in Montreal but I was actually born in Alberta and lived most of my life in Edmonton, where are you from?
Welcome to AllDeaf!! :)

Hear Again

Left ear - Nucleus 24 Contour Advance with 3G
Implanted: 12/22/04 Activated: 1/18/05

Right ear - Nucleus Freedom
Implanted: 2/1/06 Activated: 3/1/06
:welcome: Here! :wave: This place is great place to meet with other people from all over the place.

Enjoy your stay in AD and post anything to share with us!
