Regarding Mod decisions: thread closure; requirements for lock; deleted posts

Naisho - Not far by from it, You haven't gave a wrong impression at all yet. :)

What I am trying to say is -- You have put an EYE OPENER situation on all of us and a lot of them are thought provoking. It has made me thought all about this in the process which is a good thing to put to use with all these analogies that are presented here out in the open.

Now all that is put aside - We all can band in together to form some balance for both sides in order to (I hope) have a well oiled forum.

I'm aware that we all can't get what we want but in a sense if you may, everyone can at least put their part in this to help.

How about that? :)

Unless anyone else has something to add, I think most of the topic pertaining to what I've spoken about have been cleared up and set as a good example for what other users wanted to speak about here.

There was one thing that I don't think I can go in depth -- One PM I received was regarding the stance taken on bans, how sometimes the conduction process may seem biased.

I personally don't know about this much because I can't provide a solid thesis at the moment to build up an opinion about it, and I do not have experience in this criteria; I for one have never been banned or warned, and most bans I observe are done in private.

Perhaps other users who would like to speak about this specific case can come up the stand to deliver their messages.
Before I head off for the night, I would like to share an opinion that I feel the moderators are probably the most overworked and under-appreciated asset of this board.

Sometimes I feel some members abuse the "report" button for a silly or trivial issue when it can easily be ignored.

I also would like to see members solving an issue or a problem on their own without an moderator interference.