Recent statements by Catholic church about bible

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Jun 21, 2004
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The article
The bishops of the Catholic churches in England, Wales and Scotland said that not all parts of the bible are literally true and said that it's their god's word in human language and that it should be seen in a historical context.
An example would be the first 11 chapters of Genesis being similar to other ancient creation stories of the region. They said that the story was to provide religious teaching, not history. They also said the book of Revealitions is meant to be symbolic, not literal.
They also called fundamentalism dangerous like when a group uses the bible to show that they're better than others and to justify violence. We could say that they're not true Christians, but they could bounce that off by saying the same about other Christians.
Of course, they say the parts about salvation are true. I consider them being in the business of salvation by making people think they need it.
RedFox said:
The article
The bishops of the Catholic churches in England, Wales and Scotland said that not all parts of the bible are literally true and said that it's their god's word in human language and that it should be seen in a historical context.
An example would be the first 11 chapters of Genesis being similar to other ancient creation stories of the region. They said that the story was to provide religious teaching, not history. They also said the book of Revealitions is meant to be symbolic, not literal.
They also called fundamentalism dangerous like when a group uses the bible to show that they're better than others and to justify violence. We could say that they're not true Christians, but they could bounce that off by saying the same about other Christians.
Of course, they say the parts about salvation are true. I consider them being in the business of salvation by making people think they need it.

Errm...Im a Catholic and do believe the Bible is literally true, I dont need bishops telling me otherwise. You have to remember that there are many different branches of Roman Catholicism just like in any other religion thus it would be very unwise to label all of us as "not true Christians" as you mentioned above.
Gemtun said:
Errm...Im a Catholic and do believe the Bible is literally true, I dont need bishops telling me otherwise. You have to remember that there are many different branches of Roman Catholicism just like in any other religion thus it would be very unwise to label all of us as "not true Christians" as you mentioned above.

Amen !
I do believe the bible ( KJV ) is totally true. :)

Salvation is # 1 important by believin' and acceptin' Jesus Christ thru repentance & ask for forgiveness.
this just in...

...the church leaders exploit man's ineradicable need for metaphysics and infantilized the public while dwelling in a state of perpetual deception by refusing to confess they deliberately cloak their truths with allegories.
oh boy...

if you take the bible to literaly true,do you take the parts that were left out to be true? i mean the bible was writen over a 4000 year span,and put together by men....who left things out that they did not agree with . and as we all know no one agrees with any one about everything.
The Heretic said:
...the church leaders exploit man's ineradicable need for metaphysics and infantilized the public while dwelling in a state of perpetual deception by refusing to confess they deliberately cloak their truths with allegories.
^ =Pramgatist/Pragmatic or "User-Friendly" Church.

The Roman Catholic Church is a false church. They teach false doctrine, and gospel. Sorry, that is truth.
Crazymanw00t said:
^ =Pramgatist/Pragmatic or "User-Friendly" Church.

The Roman Catholic Church is a false church. They teach false doctrine, and gospel. Sorry, that is truth.

Not gonna debate any further here ....only God knows the truth. Not people like you who goes around forcing your own version of truth on us. I ll leave it all up to God.
Crazymanw00t said:
^ =Pramgatist/Pragmatic or "User-Friendly" Church.

The Roman Catholic Church is a false church. They teach false doctrine, and gospel. Sorry, that is truth.

And your proof? :roll:
RedFox said:
The article
The bishops of the Catholic churches in England, Wales and Scotland said that not all parts of the bible are literally true and said that it's their god's word in human language and that it should be seen in a historical context.

of course not everything in the bible is true. not everything in the bible is all Jesus's or Gods words. over the years when people rewrote the bible, they put in their own thoughts and beliefs. this is nothing new to me my religion teaches this. you cant believe everything your hear, not even in the bible.
2 Timothy 3:16 (King James Version)
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God..."

2 Timothy 3:16 (New International Version)
"All Scripture is God-breathed..."

2 Timothy 3:16 (English Standard Version)
"All Scripture is breathed out by God..."

2 Timothy 3:16 (New Life Version)
"All the Holy Writings are God-given and are made alive by Him. Man is helped when he is taught God's Word. It shows what is wrong. It changes the way of a man's life. It shows him how to be right with God."

2 Timothy 3:16 (New International Reader's Version)
"God has breathed life into all of Scripture. It is useful for teaching us what is true. It is useful for correcting our mistakes. It is useful for making our lives whole again. It is useful for training us to do what is right."
Crazymanw00t said:
^ =Pramgatist/Pragmatic or "User-Friendly" Church.

The Roman Catholic Church is a false church. They teach false doctrine, and gospel. Sorry, that is truth.

The Roman Catholic Church could easily say the same thing about other churches and religions: "Those other churches and religions are false churches and religions. They teach false doctrine and gospel. Sorry, that is truth." What is needed is evidence rather than unsupported assertions.
IcedTeaRulz said:
2 Timothy 3:16 (King James Version)
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God..."

2 Timothy 3:16 (New International Version)
"All Scripture is God-breathed..."

2 Timothy 3:16 (English Standard Version)
"All Scripture is breathed out by God..."

2 Timothy 3:16 (New Life Version)
"All the Holy Writings are God-given and are made alive by Him. Man is helped when he is taught God's Word. It shows what is wrong. It changes the way of a man's life. It shows him how to be right with God."

2 Timothy 3:16 (New International Reader's Version)
"God has breathed life into all of Scripture. It is useful for teaching us what is true. It is useful for correcting our mistakes. It is useful for making our lives whole again. It is useful for training us to do what is right."

The writers could easily have written those things because they believed it without input from a god, wanted others to believe it or it were really inspired by the god. Which one was it? No evidence was given that the god inspired it rather than just the writers themselves writing it with no input from the god. So we can't decide which one happened.
It is a good idea to provide evidence from outside the bible that supports the bible being god inspired. Using just the bible to prove itself is circular.
RedFox said:
The Roman Catholic Church could easily say the same thing about other churches and religions: "Those other churches and religions are false churches and religions. They teach false doctrine and gospel. Sorry, that is truth." What is needed is evidence rather than unsupported assertions.
This weekend I will pour full of evidences that Roman Catholic isn't true church. You will be shocked about it. The point I did because many people on this forum are sick of my long verses and explaintion of each verses. They just simple skip all the verses and read the conclusion.

If you want really summary of whole thing. Justifcation in Faith came out from the Bible. Roman Catholic don't believe in Justication in Faith but they believe in Justifcation through good works. Whole Romans Chapter explains whole thing about that thing and Eph 2:9 (I believe).

right now I am trying to finish the essay for English class for tmw morning at 8am. Jeez!
mean the bible was writen over a 4000 year span,and put together by men....who left things out that they did not agree with . and as we all know no one agrees with any one about everything.
Exactly! THAT is why I am not a Christian.....Man is imperfect, so how could men write down the Word of God without it being corrupted? Yeah, there are some good things in the Bible.....but how do we KNOW that it is the Word of God, the way God wants it? Yeah, you gotta have faith.....but the thing is......the instrument through which God sent the message is imperfect.
It would be like using a retarded person to teach a class on quantum theory or something.......
Crazyman.....I'm looking forward to your dissertian on the Catholic Church...are you gonna post a bunch of Chick Tracts?
RedFox said:
The Roman Catholic Church could easily say the same thing about other churches and religions: "Those other churches and religions are false churches and religions. They teach false doctrine and gospel. Sorry, that is truth." What is needed is evidence rather than unsupported assertions.

I could've sworn I'm back at IIDB, given this strong retort. :D

But the question remains: exactly what kind of evidence is admitted in the court of truth, and that decides everything.

The christian will claim it is special revelation, whereas the skeptic will insist on scientific theories or unassailable facts.

Ergo, the religious believer and the skeptic will always continue to talk past one another on these matters. :doh:
vfr said:
if you take the bible to literaly true,do you take the parts that were left out to be true? i mean the bible was writen over a 4000 year span,and put together by men....who left things out that they did not agree with . and as we all know no one agrees with any one about everything.

This is quite incorrect, for the bible did not emerge until after the Maccabees in the first century BC. A good book on bible scholarship will clarify this, and i suggest Friedman's Who Wrote the Bible for beginners.
Crazymanw00t said:
^ =Pramgatist/Pragmatic or "User-Friendly" Church.
Nope, i was talking about all church leaders. Yes, that also include your own, who preaches Calvinism. :naughty:
The Roman Catholic Church is a false church. They teach false doctrine, and gospel. Sorry, that is truth.

This assertion carries as much weight as the following:

The Protestant Churches are false. They teach false doctrine and gospel. Sorry, that is truth.

Crazy, let me spell this out for you.

You can call something false because it is not true according to some standard, but you can't beg the question and claim something else is true by referring to its "truth." :doh:
The Heretic said:
Nope, i was talking about all church leaders. Yes, that also include your own, who preaches Calvinism. :naughty:

For year and years that the Roman Catholics were following the Bible and then it drifts away for some reasons. For example Justification through good works. Of Course the Church leaders were responsible for whole that drifting the Bible to worldliness. The Church Leaders are responsible to runs the church and spread the gospel. If the Church Leader made some mistakes and it will messes up with the gospel, doctrine, church, and put vain in God’s word.

Martin Luther spoke against Roman Catholic for whole their false doctrine and gospel that they told to everyone in past. Martin Luther re-read the Bible and clear up all those false doctrine and gospel. Martin Luther wanted everyone to be able to read Bible and follow it exactly. John Calvin and Martin Luther were on same page. John Calvin, he just pointed out from the Bible with the five points (TULIP) to show everyone the roots from the Bible. Therefore Calvinism is following the Bible because Calvinism believes in sola script (only scripts). (Note: Of course some Calvinists are pragmatist but you need to ask them to show you the verses to stay away from their pragmatic influences.)

You can call something false because it is not true according to some standard, but you can't beg the question and claim something else is true by referring to its "truth." :doh:

What standard were you speaking of?

I use the Bible as my standard because the Bible is Words of God. Therefore if something isn't from the Bible and it must be false. If something came from the Bible and then it must be true. "Sola Script" and it means only scripts.That is whole point with the Calvinism.

You don't need to say :doh: during the debate and that is not very polite.
I use the Bible as my standard because the Bible is Words of God. Therefore if something isn't from the Bible and it must be false. If something came from the Bible and then it must be true.
Agreed.....but there are tons of interpretations of the Bible.....There's no ONE RIGHT way to interpret the Bible!
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