Recent here. Trying to find my way around.

Hope i am replying at the right place or should i blog this post. I dont know... Howevr concerning earlobe electrotherapy. Could be quakery and could be not. Each one has to decide for himself after some research. But in my case, i bought this low frequency therapeutic devise with electrodes and happened to have clips to be used for upper part of ear to reduce high blood pressure. .. Well, i looked up acupuncture point of ear and found locations on the lobe for hearing. Put the clips there instead for half an hour each day. After the 3rd day i had to turn down the volume on my hearing aid. Did this for a while and then lost interest. But i think its worthwhile to mention to other deaf people. Important to note that this instrument has caliberated attachment for acapuncture to the ears.
Deafness had ruined my life in the sense that it blocked so many opportunities for me.

If you've LET having hearing loss/being deaf "ruin your life", that's unfortunate.

There are very very few things that being Hoh or deaf "blocks" if people WANT to pursue that field/career/thing enough.

There are Hoh/d/Deaf: actors, architects, athletes, business owners, chefs, deans, doctors, engineers, factory workers, homemakers, janitors, lawyers, mechanics, musicians, nurses, parents, pilots, priests/pastors/clergy, principals, restaurant owners, retail workers, scholars, scientists, teachers, university professors & on & on ... the list of things that we as Hoh or d/Deaf persons CAN do is ENORMOUS, versus the very few things we "cannot do" specifically due to our hearing or deafness is VERY SMALL (commercial airline pilot, SEAL for example)

Really ... it's a matter of having goals, reaching for them and not allowing others or yourself to see hearing loss /deafness as a "barrier".

EVERYONE has "something" that can stand in their way (or they can use as an excuse for why they can't do "X" or "Y").

For example, there are things that are more difficult to do - or situations in which I face discrimination etc because I'm: female, 5'4" (not 6'), blonde, look much younger than I am, have a job that is typically a "man's job", have various rather severe medical issues - and I HAPPEN to also be Hoh/Deaf.

That being said, if *I*- or ANYONE really WANTS to do something ... 99% of the time the only thing that's REALLY standing in the way, is OURSELVES (self doubt, lack of confidence, self imposed barriers/limits etc).

Once you overcome YOURSELF - almost ANYTHING is possible... if you are dedicated, determined, passionate, innovative enough and have the internal will/need to "make it happen".

I honestly cannot think of a single way in which my being Hoh/Deaf has "blocked" what I wanted to do. I'm a musician, a college graduate (3.99 GPA), have gone back to take additional University classes, have become well respected in my career field, have been able to mentor others etc... not ONCE has be Hoh/Deaf been "the reason" I didn't do something, or wasn't able to do something I really wanted. Have I had to overcome challenges, certainly - as does EVERYONE in life. I simply do not see being Hoh/Deaf as a "problem", or as "limiting" - if I truly WANT to learn something, do something, achieve something - then I find a way to make it happen... if it doesn't happen, I don't "blame it on being Hoh/Deaf", rather I look at what was the hindrance/barrier and then work to address it via accessibility, education, awareness, focus/desire/need to make it happen etc.

If Deafness "ruined your life" - it's only because you let it... YOU have to decide that you CAN do what you want, be what you want etc.
I agree with you completely, Anij. twenty years back I should have realized the opportunities present, but due to ignorance I did not do anything . I should have studied something technical such as electronics, but was always afraid of attending classes where I cant hear the teacher. Ignorance and lack of direction. Even ddnt know until recently that there are sites like this one, available to be on the side of deaf people. I regret this very much. And as one of the famous poets have said:

"The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it."
Is that you in the avatar? My picture is easy to find. Other people feel uncomfortable.

I can have a conversation with anyone whether they are shy or not. Sometimes later if I see a picture I am surprised that they don't look as I imagined, but that just adds a new dimension.

When you say you would like to see a list of members with pictures, it just makes you seem kind of like a creepy stalker. What does it matter? Do you pick and choose who you talk to by looks? That is shallow.

Maybe no one wants to talk to a person with that attitude.

:lol: with :thumb:
thats scary Phillips. Are you a zeta reticuli too? Bottasini turned out to be a gentle looking fellow after all. nevertheless I dont care if someone talks to me or not, since you brought up the old subject again.
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I reviewed your impressive profile, Anij, especially your interest in the fields of Abrahamic religions. It will be interesting to converse with you on this subject sometime.
thats scary Phillips. Are you a zeta reticuli too? Bottasini turned out to be a gentle looking fellow after all. nevertheless I dont care if someone talks to me or not, since you brought up the old subject again.

Why thank you. I am actually an old lady, but everyone know me as kind and gentle. :eek3:
Good Bottasini. I regret past misunderstandings and will be glad to be friend with you. you proved one precious point for me and that one shd not judge people by appearances. thank you.