Reason for your avatar?

Pom poms?


My avatar is a New Zealand native bird called Kea which is known as "the clown of the mountains", the world's only alpine parrot. They are clever, smart and mischievous birds. :)

And very pretty .
I guess I'm a vain person -_-

It's just that everything I hate about myself.. I think my face is ok. I'm ashamed now.

PFFFT Don't be ashamed! Nothing is sexier in a woman than her finding herself sexy or beautiful. =) Just saying. =P
Um, cuz it's me?? No not creative lol but you can see who you're talking to :D I like to be able to faces with screen names
Wirelessly posted

I like that vanity mirror :)
My buddies whom I made friends from AD. They are a great group and I am blessed to have them. :)
I am the guy sitting next to Einstein. Just thought it was a cool picture, and the only one I had from my time travel experiment. (he had asked me how to make his lawn greener - it looked kind of brown when we took the picture).