Re: FM System


New Member
Mar 19, 2008
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So, I got sick of waiting (and waiting and waiting) to hear back from my school's Disabilities Office, about allowing me to borrow an FM system. As much as I hate to be annoying, I finally just emailed every person who I could find that was remotely connected to the Office (the Part-time office assistants, the Assistive Computer Tech. person, etc).. and after all that, I finally got:

I learned there is an FM in the Office (from the computer woman), but it has not been used in years so she doesn't know what the battery would be like. (And she can not help me because , first she works for both Disabilities and IT-- this is not really her domain; and she is not on campus right now.)

-- When I finally heard from someone who works full-time in the Office, it was a referral elsewhere for personal purchase-- and this email did not even come from any one that I had emailed, but rather a kind third party who had heard about my emails. I still have not heard back from the head of Disabilities, who is my contact person (as it is a very small department). (Sort of what I had expected, based on everything else I have seen here.. but still.. why does this have to be so hard?)

Thus is life I suppose.

Though I don't have time, I suppose I will go camp out in some offices tomorrow and see what happens...
From my experiences with all kinds of medical and school related things (especially where the two overlap IE Disability/access centers) the best way to be noticed is to preform a sit in :giggle:

I have had to do this with the access centre at my school. I ensured I was there first thing in the morning. Brought my coffee, a full bagged lunch, some homework, and a good book. Told the receptionist why I was there and sat down. About 4 hours later when they realised I had no intention of going anyway (by now I had busted out my lunch bag, and was turning the waiting room into a temporary home) they let me see a counsellor!

My best advice is to be persistant, don't bother them, but make yourself present. It works for me!

Good luck!