raising deaf awareness in counseling!!!


New Member
Mar 19, 2006
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hi there, as most of u can see this is my first post...

i have a hoh friend and she got me really interested in Australian Sign Language (auslan)(yup, im in aussie atm) iv taken a short auslan class at uni and it was really intersting, but im planning on taking a complete course some time next year once iv settled into university life...

iv also been very interested in psychology and helping people is a very important part of my life... so about 2 years ago i had the epiphany of bringing both worlds together.. i realized that there arent many services that help hoh and deaf people out with regards to professional counceling and psychotherapy, so i thought to myself "how awesome would it be to become a psychologist and learn auslan to help a new part of the society..

i never had the actual motivation to investigate it more than that thought, but this year (first year of psychology major) one of my subjects is granting me the opertunity to research this interest of mine and present it to a larger audience, to raise deaf awareness among the psychological society. its a godsend i cant afford to miss!!! and i have gone many sleepless nights so far because i am so excited about the prospect of spreading the word! how incredible would it be for more people to be aware of deaf culture and participate in it!!

my only problem though, is that i have no idea where to start! who do i talk to? where can i get facts and figures from? what kind of arguments can i use to strengthen my points so that my audience NEVER forgets what i said!!

i dont just want a pass in this subject... hell i dont care if i fail!! as long as people hear what i have to say! thanx for hearing me out and any kind of information would be so much appreciated guys!
Welcome to AllDeaf!

I'm not familiar with what you're talking about.

Please check your pm's. I sent you a contact for that information. :)
Wow reba, thanx sooo much, i really appreciate it! my assignment is due next week on wednesday and ill tell u how it goes, but thats just a small one for the subject, im obviously going to continue my research throughout the years.. and a great author iv discovered is Mairiam Corker! she is a deaf psychologist and a brilliant writer!!

VamPyroX, basically i am trying to raise deaf awareness in the psychology profession and propose that psychology majors take auslan courses to make proffessional counseling services available to the deaf community. and because im doing an assignment on this at the moment, im trying to get more information about services available to the deaf community and actual facts and figured to support my argument!

hope that cleared it up a little bit ;)
is there any way to get more people to see this thread by any chance?

i would like to post this same one in news and other boards, but im a mod in other sites and i know how annoying that can be for mods and users alike...