Radixs MXI

Dennis said:
What's so bloody exciting about it?

umm... if you haven't read the links... go ahead and read them, but if you did and still haven't found them "bloody exciting" then I guess you should move on and let the other people read it and give comments about it... or post your opinion other than saying "what's so bloody exciting about it?", like why you don't like it or why you don't think it's "awesome"?
I did read them. You didn't put any content into your post about "what was so awesome" about it.

I can't respond to "what's awesome" about it if I don't know why you think it's so awesome.

Do you know what I think? There's nothing exciting about it. Yeah, the pictures are neat -- but you're not going to get it if no company offers it.

MXI is just an operating system for wireless devices -- the inside stuff. You still have to wait until your pager company decides to use that operating system Since Radixs doesn't have any partners yet, they won't. No company WILL be using this until the cell phone companies start making phones using their OS.