Questions about conscience and morals


New Member
Nov 12, 2023
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I would want to know what is right and wrong you see of someone reacting, replying or responding towards you. Red flag or not.

How do you feel when a counselor dismissed you as a domestic violence victim which you actually experienced of in your life? Like she/he determined that you are fake victim.

How do you feel and react when a person putting words in your mouth which you have never said it in the first place? Example: you type/write "oh you want me to remove off myself from family group page or what" and a person suddenly reply with "oh you are threatening with suicide".

What would you do when a person forces (ASL: twists your arm) you to admit something you did which you truly did not? Is it right or wrong to give up and falsely confess even when he/she pressedly forced you to admit?

How do you feel and notice that a hearing person scolds you and yell at you being the deaf person who uses a word bigamist whilst the hearing person used the same word but she/he did not receive the scolding and not yelled at?

How do you feel when someone orders you to go seek help and see a therapist and you knew you did not do anything wrong? Is it called gaslighting?
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