

New Member
Apr 18, 2009
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I am in an ASL class right now and have a test soon on the first 4 out of 8 signing stories stories found in the textbook "Signing Naturally: Level 3." I was wondering if anyone has these translated or a synopsis that I can use for reference in my studying. I just am confused about a few signs used in the stories. Thanks so much!
I do not think someone elses translation or their synopsis will help you Jess.
The purpose of the exercise is for you to do it and grow in your confidence and use of ASL.
I think we could answer a specific syntax question or two without doing the assignment for you. Any specific questions?
Or if you can describe individual signs that are giving you trouble, we could probably help you find them. I agree with ASLGAL that using a translation would be unfair, especially since it is for a test!
Signing naturally level 3, signing stories.

I studied sign language in school and have since graduated. It's been a few years since I've used any sign, and now I'm trying to brush up my skills. I still have my Signing Naturally Level 3 book and I'm going through the "Signing Stories" assignments in the back of the book. I think I got the gist of the first story "A Teacher I'll Never Forget" by Mary Telford, but for some reason the second story, "Never Above The Waist" by Cinnie MacDougall is harder for me to decipher. I have watched it more times than I can count, but its still hard for me to pick up the entire story. Is anyone willing to provide a translation of "Never Above The Waist" by Cinnie MacDougall in Signing Naturally Level 3? I want to know exactly what I'm missing.
Thanks a bunch!