Question for XBox fans


Oct 22, 2005
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I know the Xbox is a heavily modded console. But looking around at the sites, especially Llama, I see that people are hesitant...I guess for fear of DMCA come right out and say what the mod chip allows one to do. I know of some of the things that can be done on a modded Xbox, but what exactly does one have to do to have the Xbox...

1. Be able to download the games straight onto the Xbox hard drive and play them from the hard drive without the original disc.

2. Emulate the games of competitors

3. Have/make a backup copy of a disc to reinstall if the HDD gets corrupted, and have the Xbox play that backup copy

The answers to these specific questions seem to get danced around and I can't find a web site that comes out and says what you can do with the modded box with the mod chip and new BIOS flashing. There are plenty of tutorials on how to do things, but they are not clear as to what ends.

If you can at least point me to a concise, informative site I would appreciate it.


I dunno about this but it would be pretty nice if I get mine modded and rent the games and store 'em to my HDD, and just play the games without having to use the orginal discs for it.

wouldn't that be sweet? :D

*evil chuckle*
Well, it's my understanding that you are able to do just that after you mod. Here's what I can find so far:

The box motherboard has a mod chip soldered onto it. You can do it yourself (if you're brave and have a steady hand) or can do it for you. From what I can gather, this mod chip is basically a memory chip with a different BIOS on it that will allow you to put your games straight onto the HDD.

But this is where I get lost. Evidently there are several different schools of thought as to which mod chip is "best," and which software to use. Llama will put a chip in your box for $49, but i wanted to see if anyone over here has had experience down that route. Then there is the question of which BIOS software. Then there is deciding which flavor of OS you want...Linux or (I think) a homegrown program among several. With this software you can use the Xbox as a media center, play movies via the DVD, and store them, along with the games, onto the HDD.

I guess it's one of those things that techies really got into and it just exploded from there and now there is just a plethora of ideas and paths to choose from. EB has used Xboxes for $119 that one can get and play with modding, if one wants to...i just got one off EBay for $113 (didn't know about EB).