Question for the CI member... about Dental


New Member
Jan 6, 2007
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I had been trying to get hold of my CI doc but no respond or I get this* we will call u back* Still nothing..

My question is... I went to the dentist.. And I have few cavtites and need 4 widsom pull out... and the dentist doc doesn't wanna do anything till I find out if I need antibiotic premedication since I have a CI.

Did anyone who had Ci need to take that b4 dental do anything to the teeth?

I had been trying to get hold of my CI doc but no respond or I get this* we will call u back* Still nothing..

My question is... I went to the dentist.. And I have few cavtites and need 4 widsom pull out... and the dentist doc doesn't wanna do anything till I find out if I need antibiotic premedication since I have a CI.

Did anyone who had Ci need to take that b4 dental do anything to the teeth?


Typically no, but your dentist will likely need conformation from your ENT. The risk of blood infection is small and even if you did it would not harm your CI. Patients with certain heart conditions however should take an antibiotic prior to any dental procedure.
I've had cavities repaired since having my CI and haven't needed to do this. However, I'd follow the lead of your dentist. It's good that he is following up on his questions/doubts.
Yeah, the CI is all about the INNER ear, rather then structural or jaw issues. I think too that the CI is a relatively simple surgery. Your dentist could also be mixing the CI up with a pacemaker or heart conditions (where you DO need antibiotics)
what? I just had two wisdom teeth yanked 5 days and I've had a CI for the last 13 years, but the doctor didn't mention a thing about antibotics.

I would chill out and relax, it's almost certainly not neccessary.
So she emailed me back.. She said she sent a message to my CI surgeron doc to be sure so I'm waiting to hear back from him.. But also she said *Most of the time they do
recommend an antibiotic. So you could go ahead and plan on that. *
So she emailed me back.. She said she sent a message to my CI surgeron doc to be sure so I'm waiting to hear back from him.. But also she said *Most of the time they do
recommend an antibiotic. So you could go ahead and plan on that. *

It sounds to me as if she is covering her back. We live in an age where people seem to sue at the drop of a hat.
I went to the dentist few months ago and it didn't affect me anything. But I had one cavity filled and went well smooth as a silk.

There are good things about a CI. You can take it off while they are drilling and making that awful noise.

Sorry, I don't know anything about pre medication. I was not told that I needed anything like that but good to check.

This question was raised on another forum. A CI user who also happens to be a dentist responded by saying that antibiotic treatment isn't necessary prior to a dental appointment unless you have a heart murmur or other heart condition, *but* I would follow the advice of your CI surgeon just to be on the safe side.